Bhaktivedanta Book Trust
Bhaktivedanta Book Trust
6 products
The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust (BBT) is the world's largest publisher of books on Vedic literature and the philosophy, religion, and culture of the Vedic tradition of India
Showing 1 - 6 of 6 products

Sri Namamrta, The Nectar Of The Holy Name
- Publisher : Bhaktivedanta Book Trust
- By : A. C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 1982
- Pages : 674
- Weight : 750 g.
- Size : 5.4 x 5.9 x 1.4 inches
- ISBN-10: 938309561X
- ISBN-13: 978-9383095612
According to historically reliable literary accounts, medieval India witnessed a massive religiousrenaissance centered largely on the popular mysticism of the congregational chanting and singing of the names of God. This litany often took the form of the Maha-mantra: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. Thegreat sixteenth-century saint Sri Caitanya, Himself worshiped as an incarnation of Lord Krishna, first turned this public congregational chanting (sankirtana) into a mass movement in Bengal and then spread it to other parts of India. Not meant to remain confined even to India, Caitanya style sankirtana has in recent decades appeared on Western shores, where members of the Hare Krishna movement, modern followers of Sri Caitanya, publicly chant in the streets of major cities. Why the profound effect on human consciousness? How is this process of Mantra-meditation performed? What are its effects? Why its universal appeal, which appears to transcend all historical and cultural bounds? To gain a deep understanding of these matters, we will need to explore the theological and mystical literature of the Vaishnava tradition. Sri Namamrita or the nectar of the Holy Name dwells deep into the theology and practice of the Holy Name and offers inspiration to sincere seekers to take up the practice of mantra meditation and experience transcendental ecstacy!$25

Krsna: The Supreme Personality of Godhead (Marathi)
- Publisher : Bhaktivedanta Book Trust
- By : A.C. Bhkativedanta Swami Prabhupada
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : Marathi
- Edition : 2008
- Pages : 976
- Weight : 1 kg.
- Size : 7.9 x 5.5 x 1.6 inches
- ISBN-10: 9382176411
- ISBN-13: 978-9382176411
Krsna: The Supreme Personality of Godhead - Marathi. This book contains an original account of the extraordinary pastimes of Lord Sri Krishna, who appeared on this planet 5,000 years ago. Absorb yourself in its pages and come directly in touch with His marvelous characteristics and glorious deed. Join Lord Krishna in a long-forgotten time as He enchants all the residents of the magical land of Vrindavana and simultaneously battles a fantastic array of wizards and warriors wholly bent upon His destruction. Sri Krishnas pastimes are not only charming, fascinating and highly entertaining but are full of deep philosophical wisdom and spiritual insight as well. Anyone who takes the time to read this one-of-a-kind book will be impressed by its relevance to contemporary human concerns.$29

Teachings Of Lord Chaitanya, The Golden Avatar
- Publisher : Bhaktivedanta Book Trust
- By : His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2014
- Pages : 394
- Weight : 400 g.
- Size : 5.3 x 8.5 x 0.8 inches
- ISBN-10: 8189574752
- ISBN-13: 978-8189574758

Easy Journey To Other Planets
- Publisher : Bhaktivedanta Book Trust
- By : His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2014
- Pages : 106
- Weight : 400 g.
- Size : 4.7 x 7.1 x 0.2 inches
- ISBN-10: 9382716424
- ISBN-13: 978-9382716426
Forget nasa's elaborate arrangements and huge, dangerous metal machines. Learn the easy way to journey through the solar system. Using subtle, spiritual energy you can travel to other planets and see the wonders of god's creation. Or you can choose to travel beyond the material creation to your eternal home with krishna. Easy journey to other planets gives a bird's-eye view of the vast cosmos and spiritual world, so you can intelligently choose your travel destination.$18

Bhagavad-Gita As It Is (Telugu)
Bhagavad-gita as it is [hardcover] telugu is a telugu translation of the bhagavad-gita as it is, which is the world's primary source of information on yoga and gives you an overview and a explanation of indian vedic knowledge. Set in an ancient indian battlefield, arjuna the warrior begins to question the reason for the war he is about to wage against his own kin. His mind wanders off on an existential train of thought and he beings to question the true meaning of life.the bhagavad-gita as it is is a collection of the pearls of wisdom that lord krishna bestows on his friend and student, arjuna. Arjuna's spiritual teacher, krishna, eases arjuna's mind leading him away from a confused state of mind and down the path of enlightenment. Arjuna begins to learn about transcendental wisdom and bhakti-yoga, dhyana-yoga, jnana-yoga and karma-yoga.arjuna sees life differently when he learns about the benefits of devotional servitude. He gains knowledge of the absolute and about the various natures, like the divine and demonic natures. He also finds out about the three forms of material nature from lord krishna. Key features - the book is a revised version of its original 1968 edition and has been translated into almost 60 languages till date. The book has been translated in such a way that the writer's opinions have not influenced the text, letting you derive your own understanding of the text. About the author: hdg a. C. Bhaktivedanta swami prabhupada is considered to be a leading vedic translator, scholar and teacher of the modern world. Born in 1896, he founded the international society for krishna consciousness and is the spiritual teacher of the society. He has also translated and explained the srimad bhagavatam full set 18 volumes (telugu). He was mentored by srila bhaktisiddhanta sarasvati gosvami, ever since he met him in calcutta in the year 1922. Srila prabhupada, as he is called by his disciples, passed away in 1977.
- Publisher : Bhaktivedanta Book Trust
- By : A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
- Cover : Hardcover
- Language : Telugu
- Edition : 2013
- Pages : 1100
- Weight : 800 g.
- Size : 5.9 x 5.9 x 2 inches
- ISBN-10: 9382472126
- ISBN-13: 978-9382472124
About the book -Bhagavad-gita as it is [hardcover] telugu is a telugu translation of the bhagavad-gita as it is, which is the world's primary source of information on yoga and gives you an overview and a explanation of indian vedic knowledge. Set in an ancient indian battlefield, arjuna the warrior begins to question the reason for the war he is about to wage against his own kin. His mind wanders off on an existential train of thought and he beings to question the true meaning of life.the bhagavad-gita as it is is a collection of the pearls of wisdom that lord krishna bestows on his friend and student, arjuna. Arjuna's spiritual teacher, krishna, eases arjuna's mind leading him away from a confused state of mind and down the path of enlightenment. Arjuna begins to learn about transcendental wisdom and bhakti-yoga, dhyana-yoga, jnana-yoga and karma-yoga.arjuna sees life differently when he learns about the benefits of devotional servitude. He gains knowledge of the absolute and about the various natures, like the divine and demonic natures. He also finds out about the three forms of material nature from lord krishna. Key features - the book is a revised version of its original 1968 edition and has been translated into almost 60 languages till date. The book has been translated in such a way that the writer's opinions have not influenced the text, letting you derive your own understanding of the text. About the author: hdg a. C. Bhaktivedanta swami prabhupada is considered to be a leading vedic translator, scholar and teacher of the modern world. Born in 1896, he founded the international society for krishna consciousness and is the spiritual teacher of the society. He has also translated and explained the srimad bhagavatam full set 18 volumes (telugu). He was mentored by srila bhaktisiddhanta sarasvati gosvami, ever since he met him in calcutta in the year 1922. Srila prabhupada, as he is called by his disciples, passed away in 1977.

Bhagavad Gita (Oriya)
- Publisher : Bhaktivedanta Book Trust
- By : His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
- Cover : Hardcover
- Language : English
- Edition : 2012
- Pages :
- Weight : 750 gm
- Size : 7.9 x 5.5 x 1.6 inches
- ISBN-10: 9383095113
- ISBN-13: 978-9383095117
Srimad bhagavad gita as it is- world most read edition. In a world exceedingly preoccupied with materialistic concerns and selfish preoccupations, in a world where confusion exceeds knowledge and terror reigns supreme, the bhagavad-gita as it is (oriya) is like a breath of fresh air. The potency of a purely spiritual message delivered by a true devotee of krishna can be experienced by everyone who reads the bhagavad-gita as it is (oriya). The 700 verses of this sacred text are translated in simple oriya in this book. There are elaborate and easy to understand explanations that provide a definitive guide to a spiritual self realization. The bhagavad-gita in its truest form is exactly as arjuna heard it from the lips of lord krishna himself. This oriya translation of bhagavad-gita is a tool to help you down the path of your spiritual journey. In the past, the bhagavad-gita has provided spiritual nourishment to many great thinkers such as mahatma gandhi, albert einstein, huxley, thoreau, kant and several others. This excellent book is a teacher of life. This book is a mentor, a guide that you can go back to time and again. It will help you endure life's trials and tribulations with equanimity and grace and brings you immeasurable peace. Key features- 1) the format is hardbound with 600 pages and 16 color plates. 2) published by bhaktivedanta book trust.$29
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