Tibetan Buddhism Books
Tibetan Buddhism Books
7 products

- Publisher : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers
- By : W. Pachow
- Cover : Hardcover
- Language : English
- Edition : 2007
- Pages : 256
- Weight : 500 gm
- ISBN-10 : 8120815726
- ISBN-13 : 978-8120815728
The Pratimoksa is a code of Buddhist monastic disciplinary rules governing the daily conduct and decorum of bhiksus (monks). It was established by the Buddha on various occasions out of necessity. This work discusses the historical cultural, religious and social issues in ancient India in relation to the rationale of formulating particular precepts. Depending on the special circumstances some of the rules may be enforced or suspended. On the basis of this code the Buddhist Sangha has the authority to impose punishment on the offender which ranges from expulsion to sanctions of probation, penance, forfeiture, repentance or confession. By effectively enforcing the code of Pratimoksa and observing the fortnightly recitation ceremony related to this text, the Sangha may attain the fruition of purity, harmony and spiritual liberation. This study has made an extensive comparison of the various versions belonging to different Buddhist sects in Sanskrit, Pali, Chinese and Tibetan languages. As a sequel it reveals how in a period of several centuries this code had expanded from 218 rules of the Mahasanghikas to 263 of the Sarvastivadins. Viewing the text from the historical perspective one may better understand the significance of the legal, social and religious life of the Buddhist Sangha.
- Publisher : Motilal Banarsidass
- By : Eva M. Dargyay
- Cover : Hardcover
- Language : English
- Edition : 1998
- Pages : 279
- Weight : 500 gm.
- Size : 8.5 x 5.5 x 1.00 inches
- ISBN-10: 8120815777
- ISBN-13: 978-8120815773
In most Asian countries esoteric buddhism (Tantrayana) declined in the past, while the Tibetans alone preserved the full richness of tantric traditions to our times. Thus this study is based on several Tibetan sources never presented in any modern language-some of them were translated, some were given as a summary.
How did a society on the edge of collapse and dominated by wandering bands of armed men give way to a vibrant Buddhist culture, led by yogins and scholars? Ronald M. Davidson explores how the translation and spread of esoteric Buddhist texts dramatically shaped Tibetan society and led to its rise as the center of Buddhist culture throughout Asia, replacing India as the perceived source of religious ideology and tradition. During the Tibetan Renaissance (950-1200 C.E.), monks and yogins translated an enormous number of Indian Buddhist texts. They employed the evolving literature and practices of esoteric Buddhism as the basis to reconstruct Tibetan religious, cultural, and political institutions. Many translators achieved the de facto status of feudal lords and while not always loyal to their Buddhist vows, these figures helped solidify political power in the hands of religious authorities and began a process that led to the Dalai Lama's theocracy. Davidson's vivid portraits of the monks, priests, popular preachers, yogins, and aristocratic clans who changed Tibetan society and culture further enhance his perspectives on the tensions and transformations that characterized medieval Tibet.
About the Author
Ronald M. Davidson is professor of religious studies at Fairfield University. He is the author of Indian Esoteric Buddhism: A Social History of the Tantric Movement (Columbia) and the coeditor (with Steven D. Goodman) of Tibetan Buddhism: Reason and Revelation.
- Product Code: BK11548
- Publisher : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers
- Edition : January 30, 2008
- Pages : 610
- Weight : 730 gm.
- Size : 9.1 x 6.6 x 1.1 inches
- Cover : Hardcover
- Auther : Ronald M. Davidson
- Language : English
- ISBN : 8120832787, 978-8120832787

Karma is perhaps the most famous concept in Indian philosophy, but there is no comprehensive study of its various meanings or philosophical implications. Under the sponsorship of the American Council of Learned Societies and the Social Science Research Council, leading American Indologists met on several occasions to discuss their ideas about karma. The result is this volume. This book will have a considerable impact upon the teaching of Indian philosophy. At the very least, it demonstrates the impossibility of speaking of "the theory of karma," as is so often done. It also supplies the basis for a full study of this important theory. Finally, it raises basic methodological problems about the study of a non-western system of soteriology and rebirth, questions regarding the interaction of medical and philosophical models of the human body, the incorporation of philosophical theories into practical religions with which they are logically incompatible and the problem of historical reconstruction of a complex theory of human life. List of Contributors, Introduction,part I: hinduism and its roots: karma and rebirth in the Vedas and Puranas, the concepts of human action and rebirth in the mahabharata, karma and rebirth in dharmasastras, caraka samhita on the doctrine of karma, the theory of reincarnation among the Tamils, part II: Buddhism and Jainism: the rebirth Eschatology and its transformations: A contribution to the sociology of early Buddhism, Karma and Rebirth in early Buddhism, the medical Soteriology of karma in the buddhist tantric tradition, karma and the problem of rebirth in jainism, part III: philosophical traditions, the karma theory and its interpretation in some Indian philosophical systems, karma, apurva and "natural" causes: Observations on the growth and limits of the theory of samsara, karma as a "Sociology of Knowledge" or "Social Psychology" of Process.
- Product Code: BK11547
- Publisher : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers
- Edition : January 1, 2007
- Pages : 342
- Weight : 550 gm.
- Size : 8.2 x 5.5 x 1 inches
- Cover : Hardcover
- Auther : W. D. O. Flaherty
- Language : English
- ISBN : 8120808843, 978-8120808843

The Treasure tradition of the Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism is richly permeated with wonder and controversy. This unique, mysterious tradition embraces revelation as the primary path to spiritual awakening. Over the course of Tibetan history, revelations-known as Treasures have been discovered hidden in nature or have emerged directly from the great minds of the Nyingma School, creating a profound and lasting effect on Tibetan religious societyand culture. Tibetan Treasure Literature discusses central themes and personalities in the history and practice of Tibetan Treasure revelation. In particular, this book presents the first through survey of the revelations of the great visionary master Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa (1829-1870). Chokgyur Lingpa was a prominent member of the famed ecumenical tradition and his revelations are widely practiced today in many schools and traditions of Tibetan Buddhism. Particular emphasis is placed on his revelations of Tibetan Buddhism. Particular emphasis is placed on his revelations pertaining to the wrathful deity Vajrakilaya. Translations of selected texts are presented together with a detailed commentary on their practice composed by Khenpo Rinchen Namgyal (nineteenth century), one of Chokgyur Lingpa's foremost students. Also included is a translation of the renowned master Ju Mipham's (1846-1912) discussion of the criteria for evaluation the authenticity of those beings who claim to have revealed such treasures of Buddhist teaching.
Editorial Reviews
The treasure tradition of the nyingma school of tibetan buddhism is richly permeated with wonder and controversy this unique, mysterious tradition embraces revelation as the primary path to spiritual awakening over the course of tibetan history, revelations-known as treasures have been discovered hidden in nature or have emerged directly from the great minds of the nyingma school, creating a profound and lasting effect on tibetan religious societyand culture tibetan treasure literature discusses central themes and personalities in the history and practice of tibetan treasure revelation in particular, this book presents the first through survey of the revelations of the great visionary master chokgyur dechen lingpa (1829-1870) chokgyur lingpa was a prominent member of the famed ecumenical tradition and his revelations are widely practiced today in many schools and traditions of tibetan buddhism particular emphasis is placed on his revelations of tibetan buddhism particular emphasis is placed on his revelations pertaining to the wrathful deity vajrakilaya translations of selected texts are presented together with a detailed commentary on their practice composed by khenpo rinchen namgyal (nineteenth century), one of chokgyur lingpas foremost students also included is a translation of the renowned master ju miphams (1846-1912) discussion of the criteria for evaluation the authenticity of those beings who claim to have revealed such treasures of buddhist teaching
- Product Code: BK10560
- Publisher : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers
- Edition : January 1, 2009
- Pages : 245
- Weight : 430g.
- Size : 6 x 1 x 9 inches
- Cover : Hardcover
- Auther : Andreas Doctor
- ISBN : 8120834143, 978-8120834149

The Csoma de Koros-Symposium on Tibetan central Asian and Buddhist studies held at Velm near Vienna in 1981 demonstrated the quickly expanding development of the more and more differentiated field of Tibetan Studies. Alongside of the traditionally established fields of tibetological research history, cultural history, linguistics, and literature the new presence of research in the original theoretical contribution of the Tibetans within their religious and philosophical culture was a distinguishing feature of this conference. That the originality of the Tibetan masters goes well beyond their fascinating achievements in buddhist exegesis is clearly recognized.

- Product Code :BK10543
- Size :5.5 x 0.5 x 8.5 inches
- Weight :350g.
- Author :Mangala R. Chinchore
- ISBN :978-8170304555, 8170304555
- Publisher :Sri Satguru Publication
- Edition : November 1, 1995
- Cover :Hardcover
- Language :English
- Pages :196
Within Buddhist conceptual framework in general and in the world of Buddhist Scholarship in particular the present work is the first full-scale inquiry into the rationale of the acceptance of two important concepts in Buddhist philosophy, viz. Santana and Santanantara. In the work, the rationale of their acceptance and intricate mode of inter-relationship has been explained in great detail. And it has been argued that their acceptance paves way for (a). philosophically satisfactory account of continuity, transformation and transcendence-no matter in case of isolated or inter-related items, and (b) laying foundation of an alternative philosophical psycho- logy in Buddhist Philosophy. It is argued that these features of them hold even in the face of acceptance of complete discreteness and literal momentariness. Assessing pioneering importance of the works of Dharmakirti like the Santanantara-siddhi on these counts, it has been maintained that such an account of continuity, transformation and transcendence on the one hand and adoption of an alternative philosophical psychology on the other has to be embedded in the conception of the three major pillars of Buddhism viz. Duhkha, Anatmata and Anityata together with complex sort of inter-relationship between them. The work, thus, underscores the unmistakable importance of the three pillars under consideration in general and of Anityata in particular in properly under- standing Buddhist ontology, epistemology, anthropology and psychology along with complex inter-relationship between them. This is, further, sought to be done in such a way that philosophically significant account of continuity, transformation etc. does not fail to be available in the Buddhist conceptual framework.
About the Author
Dr. Mangala R. Chinchore (M.A., Ph. D -Philosophy) is a Faculty Member of the Department of Philosophy, Pune University. She has been a sustained researcher in Buddhist Philosophy and her earlier publications include Vadanyaya : A Glimpse of Nyaya-Buddhist Controversy, Dharmakirti’s Theory of Hetu-Centricity of Anumana, Anatta/Anatmata : An Analysis of Buddhist Anti-substantialist Crusade, and Aniccata/Anityata : An Analysis of the Buddhist Opposition to Permanence/Stability and Alternative Foundation of Ontology and/or Anthropology. Of them, the second was given the Swami Prannavananda Award by the Indian Philosophical Congress in 1991. Besides, she has more than a dozen papers to her credit presented to national/international seminars/conferences, appreciated by scholars and published. in nationally or international y acclaimed journals.
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