Ramayana Books
Ramayana Books
39 products

- Publisher : Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
- By : Makhan Lal Sen
- Cover : Hardcover
- Language : English
- Edition : 2008
- Pages : 621
- Weight :
- Size : 9" x 6"
- ISBN- 10 : 8121500931
- ISBN-13 :
- Product Code: B7189
From the Jacket
Makhan Lal Sen's The Ramayana of Valmiki is a modernized version in English prose of the great Sanskrit epic Ramayana. The appeal and freshness of epic poems transcend all limitations imposed by time, space, age, caste, creed, society, and language. All, irrespective of their age, succumb to the charms and fascinating personalities of its heroes, who have inspired countless men of different generations and spurred them on to perform almost superhuman task. Modern civilization owes most of its dazzling achievements to such inspiration.
Valmiki's Ramayana is something more than an epic. No one has built shrines in honour of Homer's heroes, to worship them as God. In contrast, from the time of its composition to this day, Valmiki's hero never lacked devotees. The reason for this strange phenomenon lies in this: in the Greek epics the cause is ambition, and the effect is the valour of its heroes; in Ramayana the cause is the moral welfare of society and the effect is the ideal conduct of its heroes under the most trying circumstances that destiny can weave. Rama is a personification of all that is expected of an ideal son, ideal brother, ideal husband, ideal prince, ideal ally, ideal commander, and an ideal king.
Translation of epics and rendering them in prose, is, at the best of times, an hazardous and arduous job. Here, the translator has done his best to capture to a remarkable degree the grandeur of the epic, the loftiness of its thought, the simplicity and elegance of its diction, and the freshness of its enduring beauty. This book, being one of those rare ones which elevates one's soul, should find a place under every roof.
About the Book
Makhan Lal Sen's The Ramayana of Valmiki is a modernized version in English prose of the great Sanskrit epic Ramayana. The appeal and freshness of epic poems transcend all limitations imposed by time, space, age, caste, creed, society, and language. All, irrespective of their age, succumb to the charms and fascinating personalities of its heroes, who have inspired countless men of different generations and spurred them on to perform almost superhuman task. Modern civilization owes most of its dazzling achievements to such inspiration.
Valmiki's Ramayana is something more than an epic. No one has built shrines in honour of Homer's heroes, to worship them as God. In contrast, from the time of its composition to this day, Valmiki's hero never lacked devotees. The reason for this strange phenomenon lies in this: in the Greek epics the cause is ambition, and the effect is the valour of its heroes; in Ramayana the cause is the moral welfare of society and the effect is the ideal conduct of its heroes under the most trying circumstances that destiny can weave. Rama is a personification of all that is expected of an ideal son, ideal brother, ideal husband, ideal prince, ideal ally, ideal commander, and an ideal king.
Translation of epics and rendering them in prose, is, at the best of time, an hazardous and arduous job. Here, the translator has done his best to capture to remarkable degree the grandeur of the epic, the loftiness of its thought, the simplicity and elegance of its diction, and the freshness of its enduring beauty. This book, being one of those rare ones which elevates one's soul, should find a place under every roof.

- Publisher : Chaukhambha Surbharati Prakashan
- By : Pnt. Shrikrishan Pant Shastri
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : Sanskrit Text with Hindi Translation
- Edition : 2016
- Pages : 3354
- ISBN-10 : 9385005340
- ISBN-13 : 978-9385005343

- Publisher : Orient Publication
- By : Dr. Ramachandra Varma Shastri
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : Hindi
- Edition : 2012
- Pages : 395
- Weight : 544 gm
- Size : 7.9 x 5.5 x 1.6 inches
- ISBN-10 : 812220466X
- ISBN-13 : 978-8122204667
Ramayana is one of India's oldest and greatest epics, telling the tale of Prince Rama, an avatar of the Hindu deity Lord Vishnu. The book was primarily written in the form of 24,000 verses and narrates the journey of Rama and his quest to find his wife Sita who was kidnapped by the Demon-king Ravana and taken to Lanka.
The thematic elements in the saga include many important topics such as the notion of dharma, the ideal king, the ideal brother, the ideal wife, friendship and vengeance. The epic is highly engrossing and features many notable characters such as Hanuman, Laxman and Kumbhakarna.
Ramayana, despite being scripted centuries ago, holds up as a gripping and invigorating tale of love and friendship. The story covers numerous moral and ideological dilemmas and is an ideal read for people of all ages.

- Publisher : Advaita Ashrama
- By : Gosvami Tulasidasa
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2006
- Pages : 1068
- Weight : 1 kg.
- Size : 7.9 x 5.5 x 1.5 inches
- ISBN-10: 8129313472
- ISBN-13: 978-8129313478
This book has original verses of Shriramcharitmanas written in Roman script so that non-Hindi people can recite the verses. It is followed by commentary in English. Book size. Shriramcharitmanas is the most excellent piece of work in Hindi literature. Shriramcharitmanas of Goswami Tulsidas is an excellent specimen of ideal duties of a sovereign, ideal household life, ideal conjugal life and other ideal rights of human beings. It is quite impossible to find some other literary work in the world which contains highest level of devotion, knowledge, renunciation, dispassion etc. Reverently recitation of the verses of this book, and acting upon the instructions as given in the book make human beings able to attain divine bliss. Procedure of recitation of verses, brief biography of Goswami Ji and Aarti have been given in all the editions of Shriramcharitmanas

- Publisher : Gita Press, Gorakhpur
- By : Maharshi Valmiki
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2015
- Pages : 250
- Size : 7.5 x 1 x 11 inches
- ISBN-10: 9864752731
- ISBN-13: 978-8129301239
- ASIN: 8129301237
श्री गोस्वामी तुलसीदास जी महाराज के द्वारा प्रणीत श्रीरामचरितमानस हिन्दी साहित्य की सर्वोत्कृष्ट रचना है। आदर्श राजधर्म, आदर्श गृहस्थ-जीवन, आदर्श पारिवारिक जीवन आदि मानव-धर्म के सर्वोत्कृष्ट आदर्शों का यह अनुपम आगार है। सर्वोच्य भक्ति, ज्ञान, त्याग, वैराग्य तथा भगवान की आदर्श मानव-लीला तथा गुण, प्रभाव को व्यक्त करनेवाला ऐसा ग्रंथरत्न संसार की किसी भाषा में मिलना असम्भव है। आशिर्वादात्माक ग्रन्थ होने के कारण सभी लोग मंत्रवत् आदर करते हैं। इसका श्रद्धापूर्वक पाठ करने से एवं इसके उपदेशों के अनुरूप आचरण करने से मानवमात्र के कल्याण के साथ भगवत्प्रेम की सहज ही प्राप्ति सम्भव है। श्रीरामचरितमानस के सभी संस्करणों में पाठ-विधि के साथ नवान्ह और मासपरायण के विश्रामस्थान, गोस्वामी जी की संक्षिप्त जीवनी, श्रीरामशलाका प्रश्नावली तथा अंत में रामायण जी की आरती दी गयी है।Shree Ramacharitmanas, bestowed by Shri Goswami Tulsidas ji Maharaj, is the masterpiece of Hindi literature. This is the unique posture of the ideal ideology of ideal religion, ideal household life, ideal family life, etc. It is impossible to meet the ideal of devotion, knowledge, renunciation, recluse and God's ideal man-lilah and to express qualities, influences in such a language of the Granthatha world. Due to being a spiritual book, all people respect the mantra. It is possible to get the ease of Bhagavatpram with the welfare of mankind without having to read it devotedly and conducting in accordance with its teachings. In all versions of Shreeramacharitmanas, the recitation of nanah and masparayan with recitation method, brief biography of Goswami ji, Sri Ramachalaka questionnaire and finally the aarti of Ramayana ji has been given.

- Publisher : Sweet Home Publications
- By : Ranganayakamma
- Cover : Hardcover
- Language : Telugu
- Edition : 2012
- Pages : 756
- Weight : 1.5 g.
- Size : 10.2 x 6.6 x 1.5 inches
'Ramayana Vishavruksham' is a marxist critique on Valimiki's Ramayana in Telugu fist published between 1974 and 1976. It has been reprinted several times since then. It was originally published as a 3-volume collection; but is now available in a single consolidated volume.Ramayana Vishavruksham follows the same order as that of the Sanskrit original: Bala kanda, Ayodhya kanda, Aranya kanda, Kishkindha kanda, Yuddha kanda, Sundara kanda and Uttara kanda. While Valmiki’s Ramayana is composed of about 24,000 slokas (poems), Ramayana Vishavruksham consists of 16 stories accompanied by 11 links (narratives that 'link' the stories) and 504 foot notes that show evidence from the Sanskrit original in support of the critique.
About the Author
Ranganayakamma, born in 1939, is a popular Telugu writer who wrote 12 novels, more than 70 short stories and several essays and works of non-fiction.
She won the Andhra Pradesh Sahitya Akademi Award for her novel 'balipeetham', which was also made into a movie later.
Her novels such as Sweet Home, Rachayitri, Peka Medalu are very popular. Women's issues are at the centre of many of her novels, stories and non-fiction works. Her exposition of 'Das Capital' of Karl Marx is one of the most accessible works in Telugu to understand Capital. Her 'Ramayana Vishavriksham' is a marxist-feminist critique of Valmiki Ramayana. Her work ''Dalita' samasya parishkaraniki Budhudu chaladu! Ambedkar Chaladu! Marx Kavali!' examines Dalit issues and how Marxism offers a way of understanding and addressing the Dalit problems.

- Publisher : Bhakti Vikas Trust
- By : H H Bhakti Vikas Swami
- Cover : Hardcover
- Language : Gujarati
- Edition : 2013
- Pages : 600
- Weight : 750 g.
- Size : 9.1 x 6.6 x 1.1 inches
- ISBN-10: 9382109161
- ISBN-13: 978-9382109167
Countless eons ago, when men and animals could converse together and powerful brahmanas would effect miracles, the uncontrollable demon rävaëa was terrorizing the universe. The ramayana records the adventures of räma-the lord of righteousness-as he struggles to overcome the forces of rävaëa. This absorbing narration has delighted and enlightened countless generations in india, and its timeless spiritual insights are compellingly relevant in
- Publisher : Varam
- By : Uma Sampath
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : Tamil
- Edition : 2009
- Pages : 320
- Weight : 360 gm.
- Size : 5.5 x 0.8 x 8.5 inches
- ISBN-10: 8183684416
- ISBN-13: 978-8183684415
ஜகம் புகழும் புண்ணிய கதை... இளைய தலைமுறை அறியும் வகையில் கண்கவர் ஓவியங்களுடன் காட்டாற்று வெள்ளமெனப் பொங்கும் மொழியில்! பாரத்ததின் பொக்கிஷமான இந்த இதிகாசத்தை எளிமையுடன் நெஞ்சுநிறை பக்தியுடன் அர்ப்பணிக்கிறோம்.

- Publisher : Divine Life Society
- By : Swami Sivananda
- Cover : Papaerback
- Language : English
- Edition : 1996
- Pages : 216
- Weight : 240 gm.
- Size : 7.1 x 4.8 x 0.3 inches
- ISBN-10: 8170520274
- ISBN-13: 978-8170520276
Srimad Ramayana is the very soul of India. The highest ideals of every Indian are enshrined and portrayed in this holy scripture. It is a complete guide to God-realisation, the path to which lies in righteousness.
Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj has, in this invaluable work, given the essence of Srimad Ramayana in a beautiful way. In his characteristic style, he has given the story and the morals in a simple, direct and lucid style.
The lessons of Srimad Ramayana should be engraved on the tablet of everyone’s heart. This is the urgent need of the hour. The evils of Kaliyuga need not make you despair. Where there is Ram, where there is Ram Nam, where there is Ramayana, the evils of Kali dare not enter. Build this spiritual fortress in your own heart; you will live in Rama Rajya. You will enjoy illimitable peace and bliss.
Ramayana must be studied today, more than ever, by everyone. The ideals of man are beautifully portrayed in it. Everyone should emulate those ideals and grow into ideal citizens.
May His Message spread! May God bless you all! May all people walk the path of Dharma! May Lord Rama be enshrined in the hearts of every man, woman and child in this holy land and the world at large!
Sri Rama! I seek no wealth. I seek no honour, nor estate, nor earthly reward. Long years of my life, I have spent in various pursuits. I have not read the Vedas nor the Sastras nor the epics of Valmiki or Vyasa. But I have kept faith in Thy Name, in Thy mercy and kind purpose. I have remained a humble instrument in Thy Hands. Grant me this then, my Lord, that for ever more my love for Thy Lotus Feet may deepen a thousandfold and that I may keep my gaze constantly on Thy Lotus Feet and spend my time in doing Thy will and when I cast off this mortal coil, I shall reach Thy abode from where there is no return.
Bhakta Siromani Sri Hanumanji! Worshipful adorations to you—the greatest and the noblest Sevak of Sri Rama, hero in war and peace, statesman, diplomat, engineer who floated the bridge of stone across the ocean to Lanka, commander and leader of the mighty hill tribes of the South who marched under your command with faith and waged the mighty righteous war, with weapons shaped from trees and stones, achieving undying glory for the Kapi Dhvaja that has since flown aloft on the horizon of India, and proclaiming Sri Rama the greatest emperor of the happiest empire, the world has ever seen. None greater than you Hanumanji, in deeds of valour and devotion to the Lord, has been born on this earth. The tale of your valour and devotion will ever inspire the youth of India to acts of service and sacrifice. Prostrations to you.
Sri Sita Mata! Revered and most loved Mother of India, thou art the embodiment of womanly grace, virtue, chastity and endurance. Women of India worship you as the Goddess Lakshmi and their hearts are filled with reverence and love for your high piety, righteous suffering, chastity, endurance and devotion to the Lord. Mother dear, guide us with kindly light on the way to the abode of my Lord!

- Publisher : Gita Press Gorakhpur
- By : Maharshi Valmiki
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : Hindi
- Edition : 2017
- Pages :
- Weight : 900 gm
- Size : 29 x 20.4 x 4 cm
- ASIN: B07QJ1BB88
श्रीमद वाल्मिकीय रामायण प्रथम एवं द्वितीय खंड - केवल हिंदी अनुवाद, सचित्र, गीताप्रेस गोरखपूर द्वारा प्रकाशित
त्रेतायुग में महर्षि वाल्मीकि के श्रीमुख से साक्षात वेदों का ही श्रीमद्रामायण रूप में प्राकट्य हुआ, ऐसी आस्तिक जगत की मान्यता है। अतः श्रीमद्रामायण को वेदतुल्य प्रतिष्ठा प्राप्त है। धराधाम का आदिकाव्य होने से इस में भगवान के लोकपावन चरित्र की सर्वप्रथम वाङ्मयी परिक्रमा है। इसके एक-एक श्लोक में भगवान के दिव्य गुण, सत्य, सौहार्द्र, दया, क्षमा, मृदुता, धीरता, गम्भीरता, ज्ञान, पराक्रम, प्रज्ञा-रंजकता, गुरुभक्ति, मैत्री, करुणा, शरणागत-वत्सलता जैसे अनन्त पुष्पों की दिव्य सुगन्ध है। मूल के साथ सरस हिन्दी अनुवाद में दो खण्डों में उपलब्ध। सचित्र, सजिल्द। Valmiki Ramayan is one of the world's most remarkable classics and excels in its moral appeal. It is full of lessons for all and deserves to be read with interest by all lovers of healthy literature. It is noted for its poetic excellence and is the oldest specimen of epic poetry. It stands equal in rank to the Vedas. Valmiki Ramayan is available in two volumes with text and Hindi translation. Hard-bound with illustration.
![Shrimadvalmikiya Ramayan, Hindi Translation - Vol. 1 [Hardcover]](http://www.gangesindia.com/cdn/shop/products/51ByQeIWJBL_{width}x.jpg?v=1591699914)
- Publisher : Gita Press Gorakhpur
- By : Maharshi Valmiki
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : Hindi
- Edition : 2015
- Pages : 250
- Weight : 450 gm
- Size : 29 x 20.4 x 4 cm
त्रेतायुग में महर्षि वाल्मीकि के श्रीमुख से साक्षात वेदों का ही श्रीमद्रामायण रूप में प्राकट्य हुआ, ऐसी आस्तिक जगत की मान्यता है। अतः श्रीमद्रामायण को वेदतुल्य प्रतिष्ठा प्राप्त है। धराधाम का आदिकाव्य होने से इस में भगवान के लोकपावन चरित्र की सर्वप्रथम वाङ्मयी परिक्रमा है। इसके एक-एक श्लोक में भगवान के दिव्य गुण, सत्य, सौहार्द्र, दया, क्षमा, मृदुता, धीरता, गम्भीरता, ज्ञान, पराक्रम, प्रज्ञा-रंजकता, गुरुभक्ति, मैत्री, करुणा, शरणागत-वत्सलता जैसे अनन्त पुष्पों की दिव्य सुगन्ध है। मूल के साथ सरस हिन्दी अनुवाद में दो खण्डों में उपलब्ध। सचित्र, सजिल्द। Valmiki Ramayan is one of the world's most remarkable classics and excels in its moral appeal. It is full of lessons for all and deserves to be read with interest by all lovers of healthy literature. It is noted for its poetic excellence and is the oldest specimen of epic poetry. It stands equal in rank to the Vedas. Valmiki Ramayan is available in two volumes with text and Hindi translation. Hard-bound with illustration.
- Publisher : Fingerprint Publishing
- By : Chaitanya Charan
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2018
- Pages : 240
- Weight : 360 gm
- Size : 7.7 x 5.1 x 0.8 inches
- ISBN-10: 9388144821
- ISBN-13: 978-9388144827
What turns friends into worst enemies?Is accepting misfortunes as our destiny fatalistic or pragmatic?
Can we regulate our emotions without repressing them?
Seeking answers to such universal questions, Wisdom from the Ramayana: On Life and Relationships taps into the timeless wisdom of the Ramayana, encompassing many of its characters and reflecting on the complex dynamics of their relationships.
By analyzing the thought processes of these characters and the principles they lived by, this self-help book offers guidelines to build lasting relationships and lead a spiritually fulfilling life.

- Publisher : Sri Ramakrishna Math
- Edition : March 1, 1988
- Pages : 376
- Weight : 550g.
- Size : 7.2 x 0.6 x 9.5 inches
- Cover : Hardcover
- Auther : Swami Tapasyananda
- Language : English
- ISBN-10: 8171200044
ISBN-13: 978-8171200047 - SKU: BK11517
Ramanuja is a noted commentator on Vedanta from the Vaisnava point of view. In Ramanuja's interpretation of Vedanta, devotion to God and his grace are stressed as the exclusive means for release from the cycle of birth and death. Ramanuja is not as well known as Shankara, but his teachings are important for Vedanta students. With text in Devanagari and English rendering, and index of first lines of verses.

- Product Code :BK8026
- Size :9.6" x 6.5" x 4"
- Weight :2.100kg.
- Author :Robert P. Goldman/ Sally J. Sutherland Goldma/ Barend A. Van Nooten
- ISBN :8120831675, 978-8120831674
- Publisher :Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt.. Ltd.
- Edition :September 30, 2008
- Cover :Hardcover
- Language :English
- Pages :1655
"The sixth book of the Ramayana of Valmiki, the Yuddhakanda, recounts the final dramatic war between the forces of good led by the exiled prince Rama and the forces of evil commanded by the arch demon Ravana. The hero Rama's primary purpose in the battle is to rescue the abducted princess Sita and destroy the demon king. However, the confrontation also marks the turning point for the divine mission of the Ramavatara, the incarnation of Lord Visnu as a human prince, who will restore righteousness to a world on the brink of chaos. The book ends with the Gods' revelation to Rama of his true divine nature, his emotional reunion with his beloved wife, his long-delayed consecration as king of Kosala, and his restoration of a utopian age. The Yuddhakanda contains some of the most extraordinary events and larger-than-life characters to be found anywhere in world literature..
This sixth volume in the critical edition and translation of the Valmiki Ramayana, includes an extensive introduction, exhaustive notes, and a comprehensive bibliography."

- Product Code :BK8025
- Size :8.6" x 1.7" x 6.6"
- Weight :910g.
- Author :Robert P. Goldman
- ISBN :8120831667, 978-8120831667
- Publisher :Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt.. Ltd.
- Edition :September 30, 2006
- Cover :Hardcover
- Language :English
- Pages :583
The fifth and most popular book of the Ramayana of Valmiki, the Sundarakanda, recounts the adventures of the monkey hero Hanuman in leaping across the ocean to the island citadel of Lanka. Once there, he scours the city for the abducted Princess Sita. The poet vividly describes the opulence of the court of the demon king, Ravana, the beauty of his harem, the splendors of the palace gardens, and the hideous deformity of Sita`s wardresses. After witnessing Sita`s pathetic state and her stern rejection of Ravana`s blandishments, Hanuman reveals himself to the princess and restores her hope of rescue. The great monkey then wreaks havoc on the royal park and fights a series of hair-raising battles with Ravana`s generals. Permitting himself to captured by the warrior Indrajit, Hanuman is led into the presence of Ravana, whom he admonishes for his lechery. His tail is set ableze, but he escapes his bonds and, leaping from rooftop to rooftop, sets fire to the city. Taking leave of Sita, Hanuman once more leaps the ocean to rejoin his monkey companions. Returning in triumph to report the news of Sita`s discovery to Rama, the monkeys pause for an interlude of drunken revelry in the pleasure grove of the monkey king. At last, Hanuman reports on his adventures to Prince Rama. This is the fifth volume translated from the critical edition of the Valmiki Ramayana. It contains an extensive introduction, exhaustive notes, and comprehensive bibliography.

- Product Code :BK8024
- Size :8.8" x 5.9" x 1.3"
- Weight :680g.
- Author :Rosalind J. Lefeber
- ISBN :8120831659, 978-8120831650
- Publisher :Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt.. Ltd.
- Edition :September 30, 2006
- Cover :Hardcover
- Language :English
- Pages :413
"This is the fourth volume of a translation of India`s most beloved and influential epic tale-the Ramayana of Valmiki. As befits its position at the center of the work, Volume IV presents the hero Rama at the turning point of his fortunes. Having previously lost first his kingship and then his wife , he now forms an alliance with the monkey prince, Sugriva. Rama needs the monkeys to help him find his abducted wife, Sita, and indeed, by the end of this book, they have at least discovered where her abductor has taken her. But first Rama must agree to secure for his new ally the throne of the monkey kingdom by eliminating the reigning king, wh is none other than Sugriva`s detested elder brother, Valin. The tragic rivalry between the two monkey brothers is in sharp contrast to Rama`s affectionate relationship with his own brothers and forms a self-contained episode within the larger story of Rama`s adventures. This volume continues the translation of the critical edition of the Valmiki Ramayana, a version considerably reduced from the vulgate on which all previous translations were based. It is accompanied by extensive notes on the original Sanskrit text and on several untranslated early Sanskrit commentaries.
List of Abbreviations, Preface, Guide to Sanskrit Pronunciation, PART 1: Introduction, Prologue, Synopsis, The Critical Edition, The Commentaries, The Description of the Four Directions, Rama's Allies, The Death of Valin, The Translation and Annotation, PART II. Kiskindhakanda, PART III. Notes, Glossary of Important Sanskrit Words, Proper Nouns, and Epithets, Glossary of Flora and Fauna, Bibliography of Works Cited, Index."

- Product Code :BK8023
- Size :8.5" x 5.8" x 1.3"
- Weight :550g.
- Author :Sheldon I. Pollock
- ISBN :8120831640, 978-8120831643
- Publisher :Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt.. Ltd.
- Edition :August 30, 2006
- Cover :Hardcover
- Language :English
- Pages :412
"This is the third volume of a planned seven volume translation of India`s most beloved and influential epic tale-the Ramayana of Valmiki. This third volume carries forward the narrative by following the exiled hero Rama his wife and his brother on their wanderings. The book contains the narrative center of the epic the abduction of Sita by the demon king Ravana. It provides a profound meditaion on the paradox of the hero as both human and divine.

- Product Code :BK8022
- Size :8.6" x 5.8" x 1.6"
- Weight :4.400 kg.
- Author :Sheldon I. Pollock
- ISBN :8120831632, 978-8120831636
- Publisher :Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt.. Ltd.
- Edition :September 30, 2006
- Cover :Hardcover
- Language :English
- Pages :578
"This is the second of seven volumes that will present a complete and fully annotated translation of the Valmiki Ramayana of the seven sections of this great Sanskrit epic, the Ayodhyakanda is the most human, and it remains one of the best introductions to the social and political values of traditional India. This readable translation is accompanied by a commentary that elucidates the various problems of the text, whether philological, aesthetic, or cultural. Extensive use is made in the annotations of the numerous commentaries on the Ramayana composed in medieval India. The substantial introduction supplies a historical context for the poem and a critical reading that explores its literary and ideological components. The volumes of this work will present the entire Ramayana, translated here for the first time on the basis of the critical edition (Oriental Institute, baroda), which takes into account manuscripts representing all regional traditions.
List of Abbreviations, Preface, Guide to sanskrit Pronunciation, PART I. Introduction, Prelude to the Ayodhyakanda, Synopsis of the Ayodhyakanda, The Central Issues, A Problem of Narrative and Its Significance, The Philosophy, Aesthetic and Literary-Historical Considerations, The Characters, The Women of the Ayodhyakanda, Dasaratha, Rama, The Text, Annotations, and Translation, PART II: Ayodhyakanda, PART III. Notes, Glossary of Important Proper Nouns and Epithets, Emendations and Corrections of the Critical Edition Bibliography of Works Consulted, Index."

- Product Code :BK8021
- Size :5.8" x 8.7"
- Weight :730g.
- Author :Robert P. Goldman
- ISBN :8120831624, 978-8120831629
- Publisher :Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt.. Ltd.
- Edition :July 30, 2006
- Cover :Hardcover
- Language :English
- Pages :449
This is the first of seven volumes that will present a complete and fully annotated translation of the Valmiki Ramayana. This great sanskrit epic of ancient India has profoundly affected the literature, art, religions, and culture of countless millions of people in South and Southest Asia-an influence that is perhaps unparalleled in the history of world literature. For the first time it has here been translated on the basis of the critical edition which is based on manuscripts representing all recensional traditions. In this first volume Robert P. Goldman, general editor of the translation, has written a major scholarly introduction and, in collaboration with Sally J. Sutherland, assistant editor, has given copious annotations dealing with the poem`s numerous textual and exigetial problems, drawing on the contributions of generations of Sanskrit commentators.

- Product Code :BK7826
- Size :5.2" x 1.2" x 8"
- Weight :490 gm.
- Author :Valmiki and Arshia Sattar
- ISBN :0140298665, ISBN-13: 978-0140298666
- Publisher :Penguin
- Edition :2010
- Cover :Paperback
- Language :English
- Pages :696
One of India’s two greatest epics, the Ramayana pervades the country’s moral and cultural consciousness. For generations it has served as a bedtime story for Indian children, while at the same time engaging the interest of philosophers and theologians. Now this magnificent translation makes the monumental work available to a new audience. Believed to have been composed by Valmiki sometime between the eighth and sixth centuries BC, the Ramayana tells the tragic and magical story of Rama, the prince of Ayodhya, an incarnation of Lord Visnu, born to rid the earth of the terrible demon Ravana. Exiled for fourteen years because of his stepmother’s fit of jealousy on the eve of his coronation, Rama enters the forests of Dandaka with his beautiful wife Sita and devoted brother Laksmana. Sita is abducted from the forest by Ravana who takes her to his isolated kingdom on the far side of the southern ocean. The two brothers set out to rescue her and, along the way, make an alliance with a dispossessed monkey, king Sugriva. At the end of a bloody war Ravana is killed and Sita, reunited with her husband, and victorious Rama returns to Ayodhya to claim the throne that is rightfully his. An idealized heroic tale ending with the inevitable triumph of good over evil, the Ramayana is also an intensely personal story of family relationships, love and loss, duty and honour, of harem intrigue, petty jealousies and destructive ambitions. All this played out in a universe populated by larger-than-life humans, gods and celestial beings, wondrous animals and terrifying demons. In her translation Arshia Sattar has successfully bridged both time and space to make this ancient classic accessible to the present-day English reader. An added attraction is her superb introduction which provides new insights and background information for both the general reader and scholar alike.

- Product Code :B7015
- Size :8.8" x 5.8"
- Weight :520 gm.
- Author :Satya Vrat
- ISBN :8121504112, ISBN-13: 978-8121504119
- Publisher :Munshiram Manoharlal Publication Pvt.Ltd
- Edition :1964
- Cover :Hard Cover
- Language :English
- Pages :314
The Ramayana is always a fascinating study. This Adi Kavya coming from the pen of one of India's greatest poets has exercised a very powerful influence on the life and thought of millions of people of India over the ages. A voluminous work like the Ramayana can certainly be expected to be a good repertory of all kinds of information, historical, social, religious and cultural. So can it be a good index of the language as it obtained in contemporary society. The present study is the first attempt of its kind analysing and critically evaluating the language of the Ramayana in all its varied aspects and, therefore, fulfils a long-felt desideratum. The twenty-four thousand verses of this great epic of India have been given here the most searching treatment and fresh ground broken in more ways than one. The study of the Ramayana synonyms, phonetic tendencies, onomatopoeia, prepositional verbs, usage, etymologies and un-Paninian forms, to mention only a few of the many topics dealt with exhaustively here, is bound to interest students of Sanskrit language in general and Linguistics in particular. The treatment of the subject is scientific throughout. The work is well-documented. Printed Pages: 314.

Rama was the eldest son of Dasharatha, the king of Ayadhya, who had three wives – Kausalya, Kaikeyi and Sumitra. Rama was the sone of Kausalya, Bharata of Kaikeyi and Laxman and Shatrughana of Sumitra. The four princes grew up to be braveand valiant. Rama won the hand of Sita, the daughter of King Janaka. Dasharatha wanted to crown Rama as the king but Kaikeyi objected. Using boons granted to her by Dasharatha earlier, she had Rama banished to the forest. Sita and Laxmana decided to follow Rama. While in the forest, a Rakshasi, Shoorpankha, accosted Laxmana but had her nose cut off by him. In revenge, her brother Ravana, king of Lanka, carried Sita away. Rama and Laxmana set out to look for her and with the help of an army of monkeys, they defeated Ravana.
When they returned to Ayothya after fourteen years in exile, Rama banished Sita on the suspicions of his subjects. She found refuge in the ashrama of sage Valmiki where she gave birth to twin sons, Luv and Kush.
This Amar Chitra Katha title is based on Uttara-Ramacharita of Bhavabhuti.

- Product Code :BK10538
- Size :8.3 x 5.5 x 1.1 inches
- Weight :550g.
- Author :Lala Baij Nath
- ISBN :8170308763 , 978-8170308768
- Publisher :Sri Satguru Publication
- Edition :December 31, 2008
- Cover :Paperback
- Language :English
- Pages :438
The present book contains translation of the Adhyatma Ramayana. The book contains and Introduction. 1. The Bala Kanda. 2. The Ayodhya Kanda. 3. The Aranya Kanda. 4. The Kishkindha Kanda. 5. The Sundara Kanda. 6. The Yuddha Kanda. 7. The Uttara Kanda. Description: One who casually listens to the Adhyatma Ramayana from another without showing reverence, even he is freed from sin. He who bows to the Adhyatma Ramayana, having approached it, obtains the fruit of worshipping all the Gods. This greatness of the Adhyatma side of Rama's deeds was told to the sage Narada by the lotus-seated Brahma. He who reads or listens to it with faith attains to the abode of Vishnu and is worshipped by the Gods.

- Product Code :BK9047
- Size :10.3 x 8.2 x 1.8 inches
- Weight :630 gm.
- Author :Sri Ajai Kumar Chhawchharia
- ISBN :9382443665, 978-9382443667
- Publisher :Chaukhamba Sanskrit Prakashan
- Edition :2013
- Cover :Hardcover
- Language :Sanskrit, English
- Pages :22+226
Culled from Devipurana by sage Veda Vyasa, this epic of Lord Rama brings alive the greatness of the divine cosmic goddess known as Durga who was actually responsible for the slaying of the 10-headed demon king Ravana of Lanka by Lord Rama. It established and lays down the foundation for goddess worship as well as of the well known and popular festival of Dusahara. In India which is observed during the auspicious nine- nights called the Navaratra during which Goddess During is worshipped throughout the country.
This Ramayana describes in detail how Goddess is to be worshipped during this period, besides enumerating the sacred hymns dedicated to her and used by the eternal Vedas, Brahma the creator, visnu the sustainer, Siva the concluder, and even by Lord R. ma himself to pray to the great cosmic Goddess and pay obeisance to her. A priceless gem of ancient Indian heritage, culture and tradition, this Ramayana glorifies the great cosmic ‘Sakti’ aspect of creation which is practiced in India even today. The book also has, in a separate appendix, the hymn known as ‘Rama Kavaca’, literally meaning the impregnable shield or amour that protects the devotee if he invokes Lord Rama with these verses. The make readable for those not knowing the language by their transliteration in English, and the main text in English has diacritical marks to authenticate the pronunciation of Sanskrit words. This makes these volumes a veritable for the English reader.
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