Books on Hindu Studies
Books on Hindu Studies
240 products

This volume represents a good sample of current scholarship on South Asian languages, historical, descriptive, and typological. It includes material pertaining to most of the linguistic stocks of South Asia (Indo-Aryan, Dravidian, Munda, Tibeto-Burman, even Burushaski-along with important comparisons with some of those outside it) - by contributors from six different countries. It grew out of an international contributors from six different countries. It grew out of an international conference on South Asian languages held in Moscow in July 2003.

"Introduction to Sanskrit, in two volumes, is designed to open the door to India’s rich spiritual literature. This self-teaching guide presents Sanskrit pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary in simple and systematic steps, allowing students to easily master the fundamentals of this enchanting language. Each lesson includes instruction in alphabet, grammar, and vocabulary, with concise explanations and easy practice exercises. Also included in Part One is a reading from the Bhagavad-Gita and Sanskrit quotations from the Rk Samhita, Upanisads, Yoga Sutas, Brahma Sutras, and Manu Smrti. Part Two uses verses from the Bhagavad-Gita to teach principles of grammar, and includes additional essays on Sanskrit grammar and pronunciation.
This text is written to fulfill a need that still remains, which is to make the introductory study of Sanskrit simple, concise, and systematic, thereby making it more accessible and enjoyable for a beginning student. The text is not a complete survey of Sanskrit grammar, or even a primer. It is meant to be a ëpre-primer,í a step-by-step introduction to the fundamental aspects of the language.
“A useful primer acceptable to all Sanskrit students, no matter what their orientation. It fills a real need in supplying an approach which does not rush past the all-important foundations of ample practice with simple sentences.”, —David Reigle, Sanskrit Professor ""
...endorses this book and strongly recommends it for use by Sanskrit students... It is the finest textbook for beginners.""-The India Times, February, 1992
""Since we are conducting Sanskrit courses in our academy, we have been researching suitable teaching books. Having come across Thomas Egenes's Introduction to Sanskrit, we seem to have found what we were looking for."" - Sanskrit Academy, Brunate, Italy
""A didactically well-structured and student-friendly text.""-Prof. G.Van Haren, The Netherlands"

"This text focusses on the beginning study of Classical Sanskrit, although several of the quotations are in Vedic Sanskrit. Normally, Vedic Sanskrit is studied after Classical Sanskrit is learned.
This text is written to fulfill a need that still remains, which is to make the introductory study of Sanskrit simple, concise, and systematic, thereby making it more accessible and enjoyable for a beginning student.
After completing this text, you should be able to study any of the above Sanskrit textbooks more comfortably, or begin Part Two of this text. Part Two will feature the reading of selected verses from the Bhagvad-Gita, accompanied by a more thorough explanation of unfamiliar rules of grammar as they are encountered in the reading. Both volumes together will cover the basic rules of Sanskrit grammar. For college classes, Part One covers the standard material for a one-semester course and Part Two for the second semester. After completing Part Two, the student should be able to read the Bhagavad-Gita with the aid of a Sanskrit dictionary and a word-by-word English translation.
There are several reasons to study the subtle and refined language of Sanskrit. The sound,script, grammar, and systematic nature of the language is charming in itself, something of great beauty. The study of Sanskrit creates orderliness within the mind because Sanskrit is a highly systematic language, reflecting the orderliness of nature itselt.
Introduction to Sanskrit, in two volumes, is designed to open the door to India's rich spiritual literature. This self-teaching guide presents Sanskrit pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary in simple and systematic steps, allowing students to easily master the fundamentals of this enchanting language. The text gently leads the beginner through small steps with clear, concise explanations. Each lesson includes instruction in alphabet, grammar, and vocabulary, with easy practice exercises at the end. Also included is a reading from the Bhagavad-Gita and Sanskrit quotations from the R.K. Samhita, Upanisads, Yoga Sutras, Brahma Sutra, and Manu Smrti. Part Two uses verses from the Bhagavad-Gita to teach principles of grammar, and includes additional essays on Sanskrit grammar and pronunciation.
""A useful primer acceptable to all Sanskrit students, no matter what their orientation. It fills a real need in supplying an approach which does not rush past the all-important foundations of ample practice with simple sentences."" - David Reigle, Sanskrit Professor ""
...endorses this book and strongly recommends it for use by Sanskrit students...It is the finest textbook for beginners.""-The India Times, February, 1992
""Since we are conducting Sanskrit courses in our academy, we have been researching suitable teaching books. Having come across Thomas Egenes's Introduction to Sanskrit, we seem to have found what we were looking for.""-Sanskrit Academy, Brunate, Italy
""A didactically well-structured and student-friendly text."" - Prof. G. Van Haren, The Netherlands
""It you're interested in do-it-at home learning of basic Sanskrit, this is among the best books we've seen. It is calibrated to small learning steps with appropriate exercises. The description of grammatical rules is clear...great place to start.""-Hinduism Today, September, 1990.
""Introduction to Sanskrit, by Prof. Thomas Egenes, is now undoubtedly the number one introductory Sanskrit text in use in the world today."" -
""Whether you are a teacher or a student, this is best book on the market. It includes the alphabet, pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary. Both Devanagari script and transliteration are used."" -
""I have been using Introduction to Sanskrit in my first-year class at the University of Colorado at Boulder. After an unhappy experiment with another first-year text, I have been very satisfied with this one. The students like it, and it works well for them."" -Susan Trip, Univ. of Colorado
""Egenes is the best that I have seen."" - IANC's Sanskrit Granthalaya Bookstore
""Thomas Egenes's Introduction to Sanskrit seems the one to choose, judging from the reviews, which appear well-informed.""
""Introduction to Sanskrit, in two volumes is designed to open the self-teaching guide, present Sanskrit pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary in simple and systematic steps, allowing students to easily master the fundamentals of this enchanting language."" -"

The present English Translation is based on the original German work written by Professor Winternitz and has been revised in the light of further researches on the subject by different scholars in India and elsewhere.
Volume I is divided into two section. Section I relates to Veda (the Four Samhitas), Brahmanas, Aranyaka, Upanisads, Vedangas and the literature of the Ritual. Section II relates to the study of two great Epics of India-the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. It carries out a general survey of the Puranic literature, and provides ample information about the Tantras too.
Volume II contains two section viz. Buddhism and Jainism. The edition has been translated from the original, incorporating the additional information as found in Mrs. Ketkar's translation from which a larger part of the text has been reproduced here verbatim.
Volume III covers the history of classical Sanskrit literature and scientific Indian literature with its characteristics, grammar, lexicography, philosophy, dharmasastra, architecture, sangitasastra, kamasastra, ayurveda, astronomy, astrology and mathematics and also has an appendix.

The present grammar has been prepared with a view to meet the growing educational need of university students. The author has done his best to bring the present grammar up to the requirements of the students. In writing the various chapters of this book, the author has closely followed Pannini, as explained by Bhattoji Diksita. Many of the rules given here are translations of the relevant Sutras of Panini. The original Sutras are given in footnotes, where necessary. Sandhis and declensions are fully treated; compounds which dominate classical Sanskrit literature have received special attention; formation of feminine bases has been illustrated; Taddhita affixes have been arranged in an alphabetical order. A special feature of the present grammar is the chapter on the "Conjugation of Verbs." The general rules given are amply illustrated by examples. All the verbs which change their pada when preceded by particular prepositions are given in an alphabetical order. The chapter on Syntax contains almost everything given in the first 20 chapters of author's Guide to Sanskrit Composition; the chapter on Prosody is based on the Chandomanjari and the Vrttaratnakara. The author has spared no pains to make the book as useful and as complete as possible.

"The present edition is meant for such of the students as have not the means of securing private assistance... . A full English translation has been given of all difficult verses. But in the case of easier ones, the translation stops after giving a rendering of the unintelligible parts only. The same has been done with regard to the difficult prose passages. Thus there is scope left for the boys to exercise their own brain power. A short commentary explaining all difficult compounds and giving the prose order of difficult verses has been added. In the case of intricate passages the editor has added, sometimes a word, at others, a sentence or two to make the sense clear. The exigencies of space, however, did not permit him to add full explanations. But what is given is sufficient to make the text intelligible to a student of ordinary under-standing. A special feature of the present edition is this-that it gives different readings and some additional verses found in two MSS consulted by me.
The student will observe that the reflections and citations which are so profusely interspersed in the first three Tantras become much less copious in the last two-a circumstance which, However, much adds to the interest, if not to the utility, of the compilation.
The Pancatantra is a famous literary work of Visnusarman the Court-Pandit of Kind Amarasakt of Mahilaropya in the south. Originally it was intended by the author to educate the princes of his patron in the science of politics and practical life. The work comprises five tantras consisting of stories interpersed with verses which are full of political maxims applicable to exigencies of life. The present edition contains besides the text, copious notes and literal translation in English."

On first reading, this is the story of how Bharatavarsha came into being. But more than that it is the story of Bharata—in the configuration of the continents, the world’s peoples and their location in the brahmanda. It is thus a fascinating account of how a vast geographical expanse is integrated by cosmic awareness. Rivers and mountains crisscross the landscape of this dramatic story, livened up by great colourful races and individuals.
Equally challenging is the underlying search for answers to ancient, profound questions. Which of the known Bharatas is the Bharata in Bharatavarsha? How far did this Bharatavarsha extend? What was the Suryasadan or solar observatory? How many siddhis and vidyas were there to be learned, which we seem to have lost now?
What are the cosmic entities? How many worlds are there? What are the key forces of nature? How do these forces exist externally as well as within living beings? What is jnana? What is vijnana? What is the connotation and denotation of the word ‘veda’?
Throughout the book run such investigations of profound questions and the answers are sought in ancient texts—the search illuminated along the way by sparks of surprising insights.
- Product Code : BK8677
- Publisher : Rupa Publications India
- Edition : 20 October 2017
- Pages : 650
- Weight : 910 gm.
- Size : 9.4 x 6.4 x 2.2 inches
- Binding : Paperback
- Author : Pandit Madhusudan Ojha
- Language : English
- ISBN-10: 8129149133
ISBN-13: 978-8129149138

- Product Code :BK-9049
- Size :9.5 x 6.5 x 1.8 inches
- Weight :1.040 kg.
- Author :Dr. Ravindra Angadi
- ISBN :9383721197, 978-9383721191
- Publisher :Chaukhamba Sanskrit Prakashan
- Edition :2014
- Cover :Hardcover
- Language :English
- Pages :728
This text book incorporates 27 chapters framed strictly as per most recent UG and PG syllabus of Rasashashtra outlined by CCIM. The chapters, its concepts and the formulations dealt here are earnestly motivated by; ‘scientific approach’, ‘rationality’, ‘practical applicability’, ‘present day utility’, ‘feasibility’ and their ‘worthiness in the field of treatment’.
More than one method of purification and incineration of ‘Rasadravya’ are intentionally explained in the book to make the students understand the rationality behind each method. UG students may choose the easiest method advised by their learned teachers. However, for PG scholars it is better if they meticulously go through all the explained methods to evaluate, compare, and understand the rationality.
It is appealed to the readers of this text to think over the explained concepts with an open and unconventional mindset.
Hope this book will be useful to everyone in the field of Ayurveda, especially to the under graduates, the postgraduates and the students appearing for PG entrance examination.
About The Author
Dr. Ravindra Angadi works as Associate Professor and recognized PG guide in Post Graduate department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana at SDM College of Ayurveda, Kuthpady, Udupi, Karnataka since 2003.
In earlier books: A Textbook of Bhaishajya Kalpana (as per CCIM’s new UG and PG Syllabus) and Vaidyaka Paribhasha Pradip both published by Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashan Varanasi are widely appreciated and blessed by seniors in the field; and are gladly accepted by the student fraternity of Ayurveda.

With thirty-six chapters and over six thousand verses, this is encyclopaedia of Natya Vidya (Vidya of dance, drama and music). This comprises of every single aspect of Natya viz. it talks about the issues related literary constructions, set up of stage, details related to musical scales and murcchas, analysis of dance forms which considers several body gestures or mudras and movements along with their impact on viewers, it also educates the viewers about the etiquettes to be followed while watching a performance and it deals with Rasas.
Bharata muni describes 15 types of drama ranging from one to ten acts. Individual chapters deal with aspects such as makeup, costume, acting and directing etc.
With detailed theory of drama, Natyasastra is comparable to the Poetics of Aristotle. Bharata Muni refers to bhavas, the imitations of emotions, as per him eight principal rasas are srngara rasa (love), karunya rasa (pity), Raudra rasa (fury), Vibhatsa rasa (disgust), Vira rasa (heroism), Adbhuta rasa (wond

G.L. Verma had the privilege of being associated with the LARRDIS Divisions of the Lok Sabha Secretariat, Parliament House, New Delhi as Sr. Assistant, Research Assistant, Research Officer, Assistant Director and Deputy Director, the last three being positions of class I status. In this capacity his main responsibility was to provide information needs of the Members of Parliament of both the Houses along with the Members of the Union Council of Ministers for 25 years.
Following his superannuation in January, 1991, he carried on legal assignments and enrolled himself as an Advocate and practiced at Delhi High Court till 2005.
He has now shifted to Jaipur and is currently pursuing his astrological studies and research. He enjoys fabulous reputation as an astrologer and is known for his correct predictions.
Vedic Upanishads represent the profound essence, the succulent juice and the perennial spiritual philosophy of the Vedas, expounded and elucidated to make them practical and accessible for spiritual aspirants. They are magnificent, stupendous, forceful and powerful instruments in the hands of true seekers that provide spiritual foresight and vision of the ultimate Truth and Reality.
The Upanishads are integral part of the Vedas; each Vedas has a number of Upanishads in it. The present series classifies these Upanishads in true Vedic tradition, i.e. they are listed and separated into different volumes strictly accord

‘Rasa Tarangini’ has Twenty Four chapter called ‘Tarangas’. First four ‘Tarangas’ deal with basics of ‘Rasasastra’ that include ‘Rasasala’ (The drug manufacturing unit, ‘Rasa-Paribhasa’ (Basic definitions), ‘Yantra’ (Instruments), ‘Puta’ (Ancient Pyrometer) etc, Fifth and Sixth ‘Taranga’ (Mercury), its pharmaceutical procedures and its significant compound formulations. Seventh to Twenty Third ‘Taranga’ deal with ‘Maharasa-Uparasasadharana rasa’ (Significant minerals), ‘Dhatu’ (Calcium compounds) and ‘Raatnoparatna’ (Precious and Semi-precious stones) in a clear and impeccable manner. In the last Twenty Fourth ‘Taranga’, author deals in detail about the ‘Visopavisa Varga Dravya’ (Poisonous herbal drugs).
This book is going to be a useful guide to the ‘Pharmaceutical companies’ That venture into the production of compound formulations using above said metals and minerals. To ‘general practitioners’ who wish to utilize ‘products of metals and minerals’ into their practice for better and quicker therapeutic results, this book offers innumerable number of excellent ready made formulations that are indicated in any disease of their

The pre-modern diagnostics as prevalent and propounded by seers like Caraka and Susruta and countless other scholars was precisely put together by the Madhava Nidana authored by Madhavakara somewhere in 9th century AD. The work seems to have immediately caught the attention of physicians in India and abroad who found it the most serviceable text on diagnostics. Small wonder, many scholars produced commentaries on Madhava Nidana across the country. These commentaries detailed the ideas contained in the work and on occasions, even advanced, and repudiated the assumptions of Madhavakara as well as that of great seers of the yore. A reading into the various commentaries on Madhava Nidana demonstrates the background of Argumentative Indian Prof Amartya Sen has been talking about recently. It also demonstrates the old Indian spirit of tolerance and the practice of lending a patient ear to the diverse and contradictory views. Nonetheless, it is only a truism that decline of Ayurveda mostly owed to its poor standards of diagnostics. Therefore, it is significant that an authentic text on Ayurvedic diagnosis along with is Commentary is brought to the access of English knowing readers. In preparing the present work, it was a matter of satisfaction for us as we attempted to add modern perspectives every here and there in the text.
It is hoped that through the present work, the

and Siddha was able to understand this secret. The Siddha seer found that Matrkas are classified in four states called Jagrata or Awaken state; Svapna or Dream state, Susupti or Deep sleep state and Turiya or Fourth state and above all is Turiyatita state which is house of all. He explored that they all are related to each other in a way that they reveal the secret of evolution and liberation of living being and secrets of Lord Siva and Sri Lalita Tripurasundari. He explained all this by the help of Sutras.
Being divided into five chapters, first four chapters of this book keep saying that Lord Siva's power is frigid in nature however as he writes fifth chapter, he reveals a secret which is no less than a great suspense of this entire work.
With great command on subject, great seer had compile the entire mystic relation of Sri Lalita Tripura Sundari, Sri Yantra, Matrka, Lord Siva, Sakti, living being, four states with fifth one, prameya, pramana and pramata and this world in such a beautiful manner that it looks more a Tantrika symphony than a Tantrika book.
The commentary of this work is lucid and is unique in na

Vegbhata, the author of Astanga Hrdayam, enjoys significant popularity among the Ayurvedic fraternity. It appears that it is he who conceptualized the idea of compliation. Understanding the vastness of material available in the classic of Caraka, Susruta, Saunaka etc, he took up the responsibility of penning down a classic that will comprise of all the material available in the classics. Thus was born ‘Astanga Hrdaya Samhita’ of Vagbhatacarya.
Salient Features of Astanga Hrdayam:
Vagbhata quotes the reason for compiling the text in following worlds – ‘From those treatise which are very elaborate hence difficult to study, only the essence has been collected and this treatise – Astanga Hrdayam – prepared which is neither too succinct nor too elaborate’ The main subject of Vegbhata’s Astanga Hrdayam is

- Product Code :BK9038
- Author : Dr. Naresh Jha
- Publisher :Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashan
- Edition : April 1, 2014
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : Sanskrit Text with Explanation in Hindi
- Size: 8.5" x 5.5"
- Pages : 734
- Product Code :BK9039
- Weight : 500 gm.
- Author : Yatentra Dutt Amoli
- ISBN : 9383721820, 978-9383721825
- Publisher :Chaukhamba Sanskrit Prakashan
- Edition :2016
- Cover :Hardcover
- Language :English
- Pages :20+142
- About the Book
Kashmir Saivism constitutes the central Philosophy of the entire tantric wisdom. From vasugupta to Abhinavagupta, we have a systematic approach in the Philosophy and practice of this system. In the same way Yoga plays the central role among the practices of Indian Philosophies and Patanjalis contribution makes its systematic understanding.
This books aims to bringing Patanjala Yoga and Kashmir Saivas yogic approaches together without making any critical conversation of differences. Even, Divergences and convergences observed in both system give us a vision to look into the internal agreements or interaction between them. Hence, this book gives an understanding of Kashmir Saivistic Yoga in the light of structured scheme of Patanjala Yoga.
This work also gives a systematic approach for the higher practices of Kashmir Saiva as a yogic discipline without disturbing the original scheme.
- About the Author
Dr. Yatendra Dutt Amoli has his graduation purely in Science stream and got his Masters degree in yoga Philosopy and did his Ph.D. in Kashmir Saivism. He turned his attention on the Tantric school in general and Kashmir Saivism in particular and also learned major philosophical concepts of Kashmir Saivism under the guidance of Prof. Navjivan Rastogi, Pt. Vrija Vallabha Dwivedi and Pt. Hemendra Nath Chakravarti.
Presently as an Asst. Professor, Dr, Yatendra is teaching Yoga, Tantra and Vedanta Philosophies at Dev Sanskrit University, Haridwar (Uttarakhand-India)
- Introduction
A great thinker of Hindu traditions of sadhana and philosophy Gopinath Kaviraj once remarked, It is a truism that every system of theocratic culture in India has behind it a
consistently evolved system of philosophical though

- Product Code :BK9043
- Author : Radheyshyam Chaturvedi
- Publisher :Chaukhamba Sanskrit Prakashan
- Edition :2014
- Cover :Hardcover
- Language :Sanskrit & Hindi
- Pages :270
Language: Sanskrit Text with Hindi Translation
Pages: 266

- Product Code :BK9044
- Size :8.5 inch X 5.5 inch
- Weight :400 gm.
- Author :Radheshyam Chaturvedi
- ISBN :9385005588, 978-9385005589
- Publisher :Chaukhamba Sanskrit Prakashan
- Edition :2016
- Cover :Hardcover
- Language :Sanskrit Text to Hindi Translation
- Pages :18+222
Language: Sanskrit Text with Hindi Translation
Pages: 240

- Product Code :BK9045
- Size : 8.5 x 5.8 x 0.7 inches
- Weight :380 gm.
- Author :Dr. Shashishekhar Chaturvedi
- ISBN :9380326610, 978-9380326610
- Publisher :Chaukhamba Sanskrit Prakashan
- Edition :January 1, 2011
- Cover :Hardcover
- Language :Sanskrit Text to Hindi Translation
- Pages :84
Abhinavagupta was a versatile genius. He was a philosopher, poet and logician. As an encyclopaedic thinker, as a brilliant commentator and as a devoted poet, he reigns supreme. He was a prolific author. He wrote forty—five works covering various branches of philosophy and literature. His works are marked by originality and profundity. He founded new schools of Metaphysics and Aesthetics.
Abhinavagupta was a mystic and also a rationalist. He has significantly added new chapters to the history of Indian Aesthetics. His magnum opus the Tantraloka, his searching Locana on the Dhvanyaloka of Anandavardhana and his erudite commentary Abhinavabharati on the Natyasastra of Bharata Muni are monumental works.
Abhinavagupta's contribution to the stotra literature has a distinct character and tenacious grip. His stotras have richness of thought, devotional fragrance, literary beauty and invigorating spirit. So the study of the stotras of Abhinavagupta is rewarding. With this puspose, Dr. Shashi Shekhar Chaturvedi has translated Abhinava’s stotras into English and Hindi under the title 'Abhinavastotravalih, which shows his genuine interest in the discipline.
I recommend the work to the students of literature and Kasmira Saivism and hope it will be well received.
From the Translator’s Pen
Bhaktimarga (devotion-path) is considered excellent among all the paths of salvation. Lord Sri Krsna preaching to Arjuna said that devotion is the most easy path by which one can attain liberation (or God) as -
Bhaktya mabhijanati yavanyascasmi tattvatah |
Tato mam tattvato jnatva visate tadanantaram ||
- Bh. G., 18|54
The stotras (hymns of praise) are very usual means of that Para-bhakti and liberation. The great poet Kalidasa has propounded the significance of the stotra—'Stotram kasya na tustaye’ in regard to please any being. It is well known that a great Pandita of his time, Ravana having appeased Lord Siva got all the things what ever he wanted. In the chain of the great stotras composed by different scholars, the stotras of Abhinavaguptapadacarya, the greatest scholar of Kasmira Saiva philosophy, has assigned important place to both aspects of the Stotras, the philosophical and the devotional. The stotras of Abhinavagupta, translated in this edition have not been translated by any scholar till the present time. I am presenting the translation of the stotras of Abhinavagupta under the title “Abhinavastotravalih" in this edition in Hindi as well as in English. In the translated stotras of Abhinavagupta, the tranascendental and the immanant states of Lord Siva with his power Para which is known by different names like Laksmi, Sarasvati etc. in the Puranas and other scriptures are described. In these stotras, a very sacred, religious and philosohic stream of Jnanayoga and Bhaktiyoga is always current. These stotras have distinct importance in comparison to others, because the elements and the principles of Kasmira Saiva philosophy with feelings of devotion are delineated here. Therefore, these stotras are very significant from the research point of view.
While translating the text, full care has been taken that the translated text remains quite close to the original. The suggestions from readers and scholars are always welcome which would be duly incorporated in the next edition of the work.
I am very grateful to my father Prof. Radheshyam Chaturvedi without whom I would have not been able to complete Stotravali. I am also thankful to Prof. Amar Nath Pandey, an extra-ordinary scholar of Sanskrit for his foreword to this book. I am also grateful to Prof. Vachaspati Upadhyaya, V.C., L.B.S. Sanskrit Vidyapith, Prof. R.C. Panda, Sanskrit Faculty B.H.U., Prof. P.D. Singh, Dr. O.P. Upadhyaya, C.M.O., B.H.U. and Dr. Sudhakar Malviya for their advice and inspiration. I also pay humble gratitude to Prof. B.L. Tripathi Dept. of English B.H.U. for his valuable suggestions. I wish to thank heartly Dr. V N. Tiwari & Dr. Mridul Tiwari for their co— operation. I am also grateful to my wife Smt. Vibha Chaturvedi and daughters Nishtha and Astha and also to Dr. Reema for their love and inspiration.
For the publication and excellent printing I also thank Navinji and Sri Ramaranjan Malviya. This edition should prove useful to the lovers of Sanskrit and research scholars, My sincere solicitation to the Goddess Parasakti.

- Product Code :BK9046
- Size :10.2 x 6.3 x 1.6 inches
- Weight :690 gm.
- Author :Dr.R. Vidyanath
- ISBN :B00NQ803BE
- Publisher :Chaukhamba Sanskrit Prakashan
- Edition :2006
- Cover :Paperback
- Language :English
- Pages :628
A Hand Book of Astanga Sangraha (sutra sthana) is a précised and concised book in English for the benefit of 1st year B.A.M.S. students. In this book, the authors have incorporated the important quotations and the summary of each and every chapter according to the need of the freshly joined students of Ayurveda. In the present work, Latin names of the drugs, certain photographs as well as line diagrams are also incorporated for a better comprehension, it is hoped that this book will be useful for the students in understanding the basic principles of Ayurveda.
About the Author
Dr. R. Vidyanath currently working as Assistant Professor at Govt. Ayurvedic College, Vijayawada has obtained his M.D. (Ayurveda) from Gujrat Ayurveda University, Jamnagar. He had also undergone special training in Pancakarma from Institute of Ayurveda, Coimbatore. He served as a Clinical Registrar (Gujarat Ayurveda University, Jamnagar), Medical Officer at Government Ayurveda Disperseries and completed 10 years of service in the field of teaching. He has also presented more than 20 scientific papers at National and International Seminars. He was the author of Pancakrama, A Hand book of History of Ayurveda and A Hand book of Astanga Sangraha (sutra sthana). He produced a video-cassette on Pancakarma for student and practitioners and also” an audio-cassette titled ‘Ayurveda Hitopadesam (Tenets of Life) to bring in awareness and popularize Ayurveda in the society.

- Product Code :BK9047
- Size :10.3 x 8.2 x 1.8 inches
- Weight :630 gm.
- Author :Sri Ajai Kumar Chhawchharia
- ISBN :9382443665, 978-9382443667
- Publisher :Chaukhamba Sanskrit Prakashan
- Edition :2013
- Cover :Hardcover
- Language :Sanskrit, English
- Pages :22+226
Culled from Devipurana by sage Veda Vyasa, this epic of Lord Rama brings alive the greatness of the divine cosmic goddess known as Durga who was actually responsible for the slaying of the 10-headed demon king Ravana of Lanka by Lord Rama. It established and lays down the foundation for goddess worship as well as of the well known and popular festival of Dusahara. In India which is observed during the auspicious nine- nights called the Navaratra during which Goddess During is worshipped throughout the country.
This Ramayana describes in detail how Goddess is to be worshipped during this period, besides enumerating the sacred hymns dedicated to her and used by the eternal Vedas, Brahma the creator, visnu the sustainer, Siva the concluder, and even by Lord R. ma himself to pray to the great cosmic Goddess and pay obeisance to her. A priceless gem of ancient Indian heritage, culture and tradition, this Ramayana glorifies the great cosmic ‘Sakti’ aspect of creation which is practiced in India even today. The book also has, in a separate appendix, the hymn known as ‘Rama Kavaca’, literally meaning the impregnable shield or amour that protects the devotee if he invokes Lord Rama with these verses. The make readable for those not knowing the language by their transliteration in English, and the main text in English has diacritical marks to authenticate the pronunciation of Sanskrit words. This makes these volumes a veritable for the English reader.

- Product Code :BK9048
- Author :Dr.K. Nishteswar & Dr. R. Vidyanath
- ISBN :9380326521, 978-9380326528
- Publisher :Chaukhamba Sanskrit Prakashan
- Edition :2010
- Cover :Hardcover
- Language :English
- Pages :378
Salient Features of this Book:
1. It covers the detailed literature of “Laghutrayi” in the form of MCQs with synopsis.
2. It gives an insight on Medical research and Ayurveda research with latest updates and current affairs.
3. References are given with all answer in section of Ayurveda. Concerned references from “Brihat-trayi” are also provided in maximum questions.
4. Provides MCQs useful for various examinations of P.G. entrance, medical officers, Research officers and Faculty examinations.
About the Author
Dr. Rekha Phull did her B.A.M.S and M.D. in Kayachikitsa from R.G.G.P.G.A.C, Paprola and P.G.D.H.M from NIHFW, New Delhi. Qualified for the certificate course on “Basic Life Support” by IAP. As a PG scholar, assisted efficiently in conducting various ROTP’s and CMS’s. Participated as a “Youngest Guest Speaker” in a national seminar.
Professional career: After working as a Lecturer in kayachikitsa deptt at Bharat Ayurvedic College, Muzzafarnagar, dr rekha is presently working as assistant professor in kaya chikitsa deptt. at M.L.R.A. college, Charkhi Dadri.
Dr. Gaurav Phull did his graduate and M.S. in Shalya Tantr from R.G.G.P.G.A.C, paprola. He was all India Topper in PG entrance examination and also worked as a house physician in Shalkya deptt. at Paprola. Also qualified for the certificate course on “Basic Life Support” by IAP.
Professional career: after serving as Assistant professor at MBAC, Muktsar, Punjab, dr. Gaurav is presently working as Clinical Registrar at CBPACS, New Delhi. He is life time member of AAIM (Association of Anesthetist o

More than one method of purification and incineration of ‘Rasadravya’ are intentionally explained in the book to make the students understand the rationality behind each method. UG students may choose the easiest method advised by their learned teachers. However, for PG scholars it is better if they meticulously go through all the explained methods to evaluate, compare, and understand the rationality.
It is appealed to the readers of this text to think over the explained concepts with an open and unconventional mindset.
Hope this book will be useful to everyone in the field of Ayurveda, especially to the under graduates, the postgraduates and the students appearing for PG entrance examination.
About The Author
Dr. Ravindra Angadi works as Associate Professor and recognized PG guide in Post Graduate department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana at SDM College of Ayurveda, Kuthpady, Udupi, Karnataka since 2003.
In earlier books: A Textbook of Bhaishajya Kalpana (as per CCIM’s new UG and PG Syllabus) and Vaidyaka Paribhasha Pradip both published by Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashan Varanasi are widely appreciated and blessed by seniors in the field; and are gladly accepted by the student fraternity of Ayurveda.
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