Eastern Philosophy Books
Eastern Philosophy Books
51 products

This short treatise explains in detail the principle of Radical Pluralism which asserts that the elements alone are realities while every combination of them is a mere name covering a plurality of separate elements. The principle has been elucidated by its contrast with Arambhavada which maintains the reality of the whole as well as of the elements and with Parinama-vada which ascribes absolute reality to the whole. The work is divided into sixteen sections dealing with Skandhas, Ayatanas, Dhatus, Elements of mind, Pratityasamutpada, Karma, Impermanence in Sankhya-Yoga, Theory of Cognition, Pre-Buddhaic Buddhism etc. It has two appendices dealing with the views of Vasubandhu on the fundamental principles of Sarvastivada and the classification of all elements of existence according to the Sarvastivadins. The two indices appended to the work record proper names and Sanskrit terms occurring in the work.
About the Author
Th. Stcherbatsky (1866-1942) was one of the pioneering scholars of Buddhist Studies whoe wrote, edited and translated several works.
- Product Code: BK11566
- Publisher : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers
- Edition : January 1, 2005
- Pages : 112
- Weight : 200 gm.
- Size : 6 x 0.5 x 8.8 inches
- Cover : Paperback
- Auther : Th Stcherbatsky
- Language : English
- ISBN: 8120805127, 978-8120805125

This volume is a "state-of-the art" assessment of comparative philosophy written by some of the leading practitioners of the field. While its primary focus is on gaining methodological clarity regarding the comparative enterprise of "interpreting across boundaries" the book also contains new substantive essays on Indian, Chinese, Japanese and European thought. Comparative or cross-cultural philosophy can be seen as a relative newcomer to the field of philosophy. It has its antecedents in the emergence of comparative studies in nineteenth century European intellectual history, as well as in the sequence of East-West Philosophers Conferences at the University of Hawaii, which began in 1939. This book will prove to be of great significance in helping to define a field that is only now becoming fully self-conscious, methodologically and substantively, about its role and function in the larger enterprises of philosophy and comparative studies.
- Product Code: BK11562
- Publisher : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers
- Edition : January 1, 1989
- Pages : 326
- Weight : 680 gm.
- Size : 9 x 5.5 x 0.9 inches
- Cover : Hardcover
- Auther : Gerald James Larson (Author), Eliot Deutsch (Author)
- Language : English
- ISBN: 8120806220, 978-8120806221

Buddhist thought and ritual will appeal to anyone interested in acquiring an authentic grasp of Buddhism as it lives and functions in today's world. The wide spectrum of Buddhist practice is represented here by the men and women who contributed to this volume. The focus on thought and ritual captures the organic interrelationship of these religious components and moves away from the compartmentalization characteristic of much religious scholarship. The reader discovers the central tenets of Buddhism, Anatta, Pratityasamutpada, Sunyatta, Nirvana and others, not as free floating curiosities, but in terms of their contemporary relevance and active participation in the formation of society and culture. Likewise, commonly practiced rituals such as the Paritta Ceremony and Mantra Recitation are analyzed in terms of their role in living Buddhism.
Editorial Reviews
The reader discovers the central tenets of Buddhism, Anatta, Pratityasamutpada, Sunyatta, Nirvana and others, not as free-floating curiosities, but in terms of their contemporary relevance and active participation in the formation of society and culture. Likewise, commonly practiced rituals such as the Paritta Ceremony and Mantra Recitation are analyzed in terms of their role in living Buddhism.
- Product Code: BK11559
- Publisher : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers
- Edition : January 1, 2001
- Pages : 199
- Weight : 300 gm.
- Size : 8.4 x 5.6 x 0.6 inches
- Cover : Paperback
- Auther : David J. Kalupahana
- Language : English
- ISBN: 8120817737, 978-8120817739
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