Indian Fashion Jewelry
Indian Fashion Jewelry
179 products

- Product Code :JW7219
- Material :Metal
- Size :2.50"L
- Weight :30 gm. Aprox.

- Product Code :5021
- Material :Red Onyx Gemstone
- Size :8.25"L x .75"W
- Product Code :5020
- Material :Gemstone
- Size :8"L x 0.5"W
- Product Code :2854
- Material :Silver and tiger eye stone
- Size :7.50" L (end to end)
- Weight :58 gms.
Bathed in silver, the spectacular tiger stone bracelet is gracefully crafted with some dazzling designs. The glow of a spectacular sunset is manifest in this beautiful ornament.
Tiger eye gemstone has a rich yellow and golden brown stripes, with a fine golden lustre, when polished. Tiger eye is quartz that contains oriented fibres of crocidolite that have been replaced by silica. The gemstone has lustrous alternating yellow or brown bands.
Tiger eye with its bands resembles an eye of tiger, so it is called tiger eye stone.
The gemstone is the anniversary gemstone for the 9th year of marriage.
Tiger Eye is widely used in pendant and beads where it's lovely tiger-like peculiarity displays out best.
Tiger eye relieves high blood pressure. It is extremely helpful in the presence of following diseases: bronchial asthmakidney, rheumatic heart disease, otitis and psoriasis.
This gemstone is used for focusing the mind. It is said that Tiger Eye offers protection during travel, strengthens convictions and confidence. This very warm stone is beneficial for the weak and sick.
- Product Code: 2459
- Size: 7.50" L (end to end)
- Weight: 58 gm.
- Material: Silver and tiger eye stone

- Product Code :4465
- Material :Quartz Crystal, 27+1 Bead
- Size :10"L

- Product Code :4466
- Material :Amythist and Rose Quartz Beads
- Size :7"L
- Weight :11 gm.

- Product Code :2846
- Material :.925 rating Silver and reconstituted turquoise stone
- Size : 6" L ( end to end) x 1.50"W( at center)
- Weight :69 gms.
The spectacle of a deep blue sea gets manifested in this beautiful silver and reconstituted turquoise stone cuff bracelet. An excellent gift for your beloved, the dazzling cuff bracelet reflects a deep sense of artistry and superb craftsmanship of the artist. Come along with a nice box, the silver product will sure be loved and adored by your woman. The bluish colour adds sparks to the bracelet. The jeweler painstakingly scripts magic on stone with a passion for perfection and refinement of treatment. Flawless design makes the precious item an object of joy and beauty. Most women crave for jewelries and the spectacular necklace is shining like moon in a dark sky. The spectacular designs epitomizes the jeweler's sense of beauty and refinement. Indeed a must have product for every woman of substance.

The spectacular Glass Beaded Necklace is given a refine and detail touch with a rare sense of perfection and precision. Glass, beads and threads are crafted with immaculate precision and inimitable styles by the artist producing a sense of rare artistry and beauty. The necklace will beautify any woman who loves spectacular jewelries and who appreciates beauty and jewelry. Indeed it will be a perfect gift for any woman of substance and she will love to have it as a gift for special occasion.
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