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- Product Code :B5204
- Material :Brass
- Size :8.50"H x 6.50"W x 6.10"D
- Weight :3.770 kg.
The beautiful brass figure of Lord Shiva, one of the Trinity Gods in Hinduism, is given a refine and detail touch with every part of the small and stout figure receiving minute treatment from the sculptor. The eyes of the Lord, his prominent moustache, forehead, ears, long ear rings –all are being treated with minute detail. His curly hair is also nicely carved. Lord Shiva is responsible for the destruction of creation. But it also has a positive aspect as the destruction of evil forces is the prelude to a new beginning.

- Product Code :7844
- Material :Brass
- Size :7.75"H x 6.75"W x 2.50"D
- Weight :1.270 Kg.

- Product Code :299
- Material :Brass
- Size :6.50"H x 8"w x 4.10"D
- Weight :2.900 kg.

- Product Code :4694
- Material :Old lambadi cotton cloth and mirror
- Size :56" x 36"
A stunning piece of wall hanging with vibrant patches of rust & ocher enhanced with the red and yellow thread embroidery, the small and bold mirrors are neatly planted in an interesting manner and vivid cloth patches are assembled from the used pieces of mirror-speckled headdresses and skirts cloths worn by the 'Lambadi' women, Lambadi is a Banjara (gypsy) tribal community living on the hilly jungles of Andhra Pradesh in India. The Lambani women practice a unique mirror and embroidery craft, which they mostly use for making their own traditional dresses or for giving to their daughters for their weddings. There are 13 colors that are mostly used in Lambani embroidery, out of which; red and blue are most common.Each patch of cloth was collected and worn together very carefully, please note that some pieces of mirror may be broken and some are missing as these cloths are assembled on 'as is where is' basis.

- Product Code :B6586
- Material :Brass
- Size :3.25"H x 2.35"W x 2.25"D
- Weight :390 gm.
The brass figure of antiquated Ganesha folk-art statue is nicely treated. There is a raw craving on it. Lord Ganesha is the son of Lord Shiva and Parvati. Ganesha is one of the most widely worshipped deities in Hinduism. He is invoked first among all deities and is considered Lord of Lords. Lord Ganesha can be easily propitiated by offering sweets (laddoos). He is the Lord of Wisdom and the God of Good Luck. Worshipping the Lord helps us get rid of all evils and brings in good luck and fortune to the family.

- Product Code :B6494
- Material :Brass
- Size :8.25"H x 10.75"W x 4"D
- Weight :1.750 kg.

- Product Code :5967
- Material :Brass
- Size :8"H x 5.50"W x 1.75"D
- Weight :1 Kg.

- Product Code :5938
- Material :Brass, Reconstituted Turquoise, Lapis lazuli and Coral
- Size :13.75"H x 11.50"W x 8.25"D
- Weight :6.720 Kg.
The beautiful figure of Chenrezig Lokeshvara is nicely carved out of brass in a most intricate manner. Avalokiteśvara in Sanskrit, "Lord who looks down" and is a bodhisattva who embodies the compassion of all Buddhas. This bodhisattva is variably depicted and described and is portrayed in different cultures as either female or male. In Chinese Buddhism, Avalokiteśvara has become the somewhat different female figure Guanyin. In Cambodia, he appears as Lokeśvara.
Chenrezig is known as the embodiment of the compassion of all the Buddhas, the Bodhisattva of Compassion in the Tibetan Buddhist pantheon of enlightened beings. Avalokiteshvara is the earthly manifestation of the self-born, eternal Buddha, Amitabha. He guards this world in the interval between the historical Sakyamuni Buddha, and the next Buddha of the Future Maitreya.
Legends say that once Chenrezig made a vow that he would not rest until he had liberated all the beings in all the realms of suffering. After working diligently at this task for a very long time, he realized the immense number of miserable beings yet to be saved. Seeing this, he became despondent and his head split into thousands of pieces. Amitabha Buddha put the pieces back together as a body with very many arms and many heads, so that Chenrezig could work with myriad beings all at the same time. Sometimes Chenrezig is visualized with eleven heads, and a thousand arms fanned out around him.
Chenrezig is known by different names in different lands: as Avalokiteshvara in the ancient Sanskrit language of India, as Kuan-yin in China, as Kannon in Japan. As Chenrezig, he is considered the patron Bodhisattva of Tibet, and his meditation is practiced in all the great lineages of Tibetan Buddhism. The beloved king Songtsen Gampo was believed to be an emanation of Chenrezig, and some of the most respected meditation masters (lamas), like the Dalai Lamas and Karmapas, who are considered living Buddhas, are also believed to be emanations of Chenrezig.

- Product Code :5933
- Material :Brass
- Size :15.50" x 5.75"W x 5.50"D
- Weight :5.600 Kg.
Here the brass figure of Lord Kartikeya is given a refine and intricate touch with a high degree of finesse. Kartikeya, the second son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati or Shakti, is an embodiment of perfection, a brave leader of god's forces, and a war god, who was created to destroy the demons, representing the negative tendencies in human beings. Kartikeya has six heads that correspond to the five senses and the mind. The six heads also stand for his virtues enables him to see in all the directions - an important attribute that ensures that he counters all kinds of blows that can hit him. He has six heads. It shows that if humans wish to lead themselves efficiently through the battle of life, they must always be alert lest they are shown the wrong path by crafty people with the six demonic vices: kaama (sex), krodha (anger), lobha (greed), moha (passion), mada (ego) and matsarya (jealousy).
Kartikeya carries on one hand a spear and his other hand is always blessing devotees. His vehicle is a peacock, a pious bird that grips with its feet a serpent, which symbolizes the ego and desires of people. The peacock represents the destroyer of harmful habits and the conqueror of sensual desires.

The name Vishnu means 'one who pervades'; 'one who has entered into everything.' His consort is Lakshmi, the goddess of beauty and fortune.
Lord Vishnu has four arms indicating His omnipresence and omnipotence. In his right hand he holds the discus, symbol of the cosmic mind and reminder of the wheel of time. His lower right hand holds the conch (sankh), symbol of the sound Ohm origin of existence. The sounds created from the conch is associated with the sound from the creation of the universe. In his other hand, Lord Vishnu holds the bow which is called shranga, the symbol of casual power of illusion from which arises the universe. In his upper left hand, he holds a lotus (padma), the symbol for the moving universe and the symbol of all things that are good (eternity, prosperity, and purity). His lower left hand holds the mace (gada), the symbol of the notion of individual existence. The icons on his body also attruibutes to the greatness of the deity. An example of this is the armlets he wears. These represent the three aims of life; pleasure, success, and righteousness. The other example is the earring shaped like monsters. They represent the two methods of knowledge: the intellectual knowledge and the intuitive perception.
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