Marathi Books

Marathi Books

16 products

Showing 1 - 16 of 16 products
Chhava (Marathi)
Chhava (Marathi)
  • Publisher : Continental Prakashan
  • By :  Shivaji Sawant
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Language : Marathi
  • Edition : 2009
  • Weight : 880 gm
  • Size : 20.3 x 25.4 x 4.7 cm
  • ISBN-10 : 8190392018
  • ISBN-13 : 978-8190392013

Born to Shivaji and his first wife Saibai, Sambhaji was entrusted with carrying on the Maratha empire which Shivaji began. Born at Purandar fort,he was raised by his paternal grandmother Jijabai. Shivaji signed the Treaty of Purandar with the Mughals, and sent Sambhaji to live with Raja Jai Singh of Amber, as a political hostage. Sambhaji was raised as a Mughal sardarand served the Mughal court of Aurangzeb. After Shivaji`s death, Sambhaji fought against his stepmother, Soyarabai Mohite, who had her son Rajaram crowned as the heir to the Maratha kingdom. Sambhaji escaped prison and formally ascended the throne on 20 July 1680. A brilliant tactician, Sambhaji was worthy of the throne of the Marathas, although his rule was short-lived. This book reveals his life story and showcases him for the ruler that he was.

    Parigh (Marathi)
    Parigh (Marathi)
    • Publisher : Mehta Publishing House
    • By : Sudha Murty & Uma Kulkarni
    • Cover : Paperback
    • Language : Marathi
    • Edition : 2013
    • Pages : 224 pages‎
    • Weight : 170 gm
    • Size : 14 x 1.21 x 21.6 cm
    • ISBN-10 : 8184985185
    • ISBN-13 : 978-8184985184

    Why does man change when he gains wealth? Wealth exposed the hidden vices and virtues.The vices which generally are rooted deep within, surface in the presence of wealth.Wealth changes humans.A miser becomes greedy when he becomes rich.An avaricious spends a lot in buying vast property. A selfish becomes luxurious.A generous person becomes endower. Those who have no lust for money are least bothered by the presence or absence of money.Wealth truly reveals the colours of human nature and relations

      Morpankhi Sawlya (Marathi)
      Morpankhi Sawlya (Marathi)
      • Publisher : Mehta Publishing House
      • By : Ranjeet Desai
      • Cover : Paperback
      • Language : Marathi
      • Edition : 1984
      • Pages : ‎ 84 pages
      • Weight : 200 gm
      • Size : 13.97 x 0.79 x 21.59 cm
      • ISBN-10 : 8171616445
      • ISBN-13 : 978-8171616442

      A Nest Protects the Newly Hatched,Wingless Birds, But Once the Birds Grow and Develop Wings then the Same Nest Acts as a Cage for them,We Human Beings Feel the Same Way about our Family, Home, God, Religion, Love, Farming, Education, Business etc. At a very Early Stage, that of a Child. we Find Everything Beautiful. We Feel Protective inside our Shelters. All of these above mentioned places have built and nurtured the society. But really thinking, are all these aspects useful in todays machine minded culture? The Ingeniously Talented and Competent Young People from the Middle Class have Caged Themselves. Their Competency fails to cross the walls of their houses. They are Confined inside their circles. They just BlahBlah about the Political and Social Reformation but they do not dare to act upon it. On the contrary they ignore their duties.They just do not want to leave the secured boundaries of their nests. They have tremendous lust towards personal life and extreme dispassion towars the social life. This approach holds them from stepping on to new path. They prefer to stumble on the same path which is full of pitholes, which is full of misconceptions about education, family management, distribution of wealth, the relations between man and woman. only because of their approach to be confined to the boundaries of their house


      Sukhacha Shodh(Marathi)
      Sukhacha Shodh(Marathi)
      • Publisher : Mehta Publishing House
      • By : V.S. Khandekar
      • Cover : Paperback
      • Language : Marathi
      • Edition : 1905
      • Pages : 112 pages
      • Weight : 140 g
      • Size : 14 x 0.73 x 21.6 cm
      • ISBN-10 : 8177665944
      • ISBN-13 : 978-8177665949

      It is a union of three beautiful feelings. The first is our own happiness and progress. The second felling is towards our family, the obligations, the indebtness. One has to try to repay it to the best of his/her ability. The third is the unseen flow, to help the society progress, the society of which we are members. Ones life can be said fulfilled only when the indebtedness of ourselves, that of the family and of the society is satisfied at the same time. If there is no conflict between these three then we can say that the person is successful in his life. V. S. Khandekar's book reveals these secrets of human life in his novel. There are many characters in this novel Of them, Anand believes only in sacrifice, the traditional belief; Appa and Bhayya are those incompetent people who shade off their responsiblities and justify themselves by making a single person shoulder it. Manik is hopeless, literate girl but has always failed in recognising a good mind, Usha is yet another character who has been aloof, never expressing feelings, good or bad. What are these characters eilling us? They tell us that following the customs and traditions blindlessly is harmful not only to the person following them but also to the society at large. It was in 1939 that the author stated his views as follows, 'when we talk about the values in a man's life then sacrifice is alway highly regarded than enduring. But the sacrifice should always be for a noble cause.' Do not you think that this view is true even today?

      Sanjvat (Marathi)
      Sanjvat (Marathi)
      • Publisher : Mehta Publishing House
      • By : V.S. Khandekar
      • Cover : Paperback
      • Language : Marathi
      • Edition : 1948
      • Pages : 112 pages
      • Weight : 110 g
      • Size : 14 x 0.61 x 21.6 cm
      • ISBN-10 : 8171616577
      • ISBN-13 : 978-8171616572

      This is a collection of 7 stories. It was published after a gap of 56 years. Many thought that Khandekar has lost his ability to write. Some criticized him. But he was used to everything. He knew the limits of all the commentators. He was writing during these 56 years but he could never complete it. Through half written articles he used to think about the values and then used to stop writing the article. He shifted to Kolhapur during this period. While in Kolhapur he missed the seashore and the hills at Shiroda. Apart from this he had started writing scripts for movies. Then started the 2nd world war which killed the humanity. After a period of 5 years he wrote his first story "Maunvrat`. He started writing again but he was not satisfied with the new social pattern. He believed that socialism will bring happiness but for that the old pattern of socialism should be demolished completely. He tried to search for the new and virtues which would provide healthy atmosphere to everybody. He tried to attempt this through his stories included in this collection.

      101 Inspiring Stories (Marathi)
      101 Inspiring Stories (Marathi)
      • Publisher : Jaico Books
      • By : Xavier G.F.
      • Cover : Paperback
      • Language : Marathi
      • Edition : 2014
      • Pages : 187 pages
      • Weight : 300 gm
      • Size : 20 x 14 x 4 cm
      • ISBN-10 : 8184955871
      • ISBN-13 : 978-8184955873

      Now in Marathi This is one of the many inspiring books from the renowned Motivator Dr. G. Francis Xavier. Evidently, this harvest of stories has been gleaned from lands he visited and books he read. Xavier, who conducts full-house personal growth courses has brought out this compendium in an interactive form, making the reader give the answers at the end of the story, which is a novel approach. Stories and examples are the best way to inspire, and this volume can be gifted to anyone. It is useful for preachers, speakers and teachers. The book appeals to readers of all ages except the morose and irredeemable negaholics (negative thinking addicts) and anti-reading teenagers. It has stories to inspire and promises uninterrupted chuckles till the end. There are also quotations on success.

      Bakula (Marathi)
      Bakula (Marathi)
      • Publisher : Mehta Publishing House
      • By : Sudha Murty & Leena Sohoni
      • Cover : Paperback
      • Language : Marathi
      • Edition : 2009
      • Pages : 148 pages
      • Weight : 140 g
      • Size : 14 x 0.82 x 21.6 cm
      • ISBN-10 : 8184980523
      • ISBN-13 : 978-8184980523

      Every time, she sent him a letter, she sent a small flower of 'bakul' for him, without fail. Her letter always brought back some special memories for Shridhar. He used to get lost in the memories with the small flower in his hand. The flower represented her. Her mild manners, her simplicity, the fragrance around her, and the chastity in her eyes along with the love every single tender thing was present in the flower. Her personality was devoid of ego. He had collected each flower from her letter. He had stored all those flowers in a small bag. Every day, he kept the bag beneath his pillow. Every letter brought a new hope for him, saying that the flower will be a lifelong partner. Sudha Murthy, has pictured this very sensitively.

      Pachuche Bet (Marathi)
      Pachuche Bet (Marathi)
      • Publisher : Mehta Publishing House
      • By : Herman Melville
      • Cover : Paperback
      • Language : Marathi
      • Edition : 2019
      • Pages : 194 pages
      • Weight : 80 gm
      • Size : 4 x 1.14 x 21.59 cm
      • ISBN-10 : 9353171962
      • ISBN-13 : 978-9353171964

      As the ship ‘Doly’ docks into the yard at Nukuheva Port, two of its sailors decide to run away from its atrocities. They are scared to travel back on the worn out ship on a life-long voyage. Instead, they want to enjoy life with the tribal people there. Initially, when the two had joined the ship, they were shown many red and juicy carrots. But, over the period, they realized that the officers aboard would often break almost every rule. The treatment given to the lower ranks was hideous. Exploitation had become the first rule of conduct for the high-ranking officers. As the voyage continued for a very long period, everyone was anxious to see the land. While traveling towards the Markisus islanders, two of its sailors Tomo-the author and his friend Tobo decide to run away. As they dropped the anchor at Nukuhewa, the captain permitted them to stroll around the port. They saw a golden opportunity to fulfil their plan. To stay away from the ship, they start running. They cannot afford to halt at any place. Initially, they enter the Taipi region. All they have with them are a few loaves and biscuits. They survive the hardships but after travelling thus for a week or so, the Taipi detain them. For four months they remain with the Taipi. How did they survive during this period is worth reading.

        Agnipankh (Marathi)
        Agnipankh (Marathi)
        • Publisher : Rajahans Prakashan Publication
        • By : A.p.j. Abdul Kalam
        • Cover : Paperback
        • Language : Marathi
        • Edition : 2014
        • Weight : 260 g
        • Size : 20 x 14 x 4 cm
        • ISBN-10 : 8174346791
        • ISBN-13 : 978-8174346797

            Antaricha Diva (Marathi)
            Antaricha Diva (Marathi)
            Yayati (Marathi)
            Yayati (Marathi)
            • Publisher : Mehta Publishing House
            • By : V.S. Khandekar
            • Cover : Paperback
            • Language : Marathi
            • Edition : 2013
            • Pages : 432 pages
            • Weight : 400 gm
            • Size : 14 x 2.24 x 21.6 cm
            • ISBN-10 : 8171615880
            • ISBN-13 : 978-8171615889

            'Yayati? is one of the most popular and respected novels in Marathi Literature. Revolving around the legendary love story of Yayati and Devyani, characters from Mahabharata, this novel is regarded as one of the best literary masterpieces ever written. The brilliant narration and metaphors used in the novel add to the poetic appeal. Written by V.S Kandekar, it is a story that keeps the reader glued till the end. It is published by Mehta Publishing House in 1959. This novel has won the Jnanpith Award which is India?s highest literary recognition.Devyani and Sharmishtha are friends and jealousy creates tension among them. Both fall in love with Yayati, a handsome prince who is full of bravery and has won accolades which even made Indra hold him in high esteem. However, due to some tragic events, Yayati gets married to Devyani and Sharmishta comes with Devyani as her maid. During her stay with Devyani, Sharmishta and Yayati fall in love with each other and create a bond that is inseparable. This disrupts the married life of Yayati and Devayani. Yayati then falls in the never ending trap of lust and breaks all moral and ethical rules. Will Yayati ever come out out this lust-trap? Will his son sacrifice his youth for the enjoyment of his father? Can Devyani stop Yayati from this self-demolition? What does fate hold for Sharmishta? Can her love save Yayati? This novel is a beautiful love story written with the highest literary standards.

            The Magic: Marathi Sanskaran (Marathi)
            The Magic: Marathi Sanskaran (Marathi)
            • Publisher : Manjul Publishing House
            • By : Rhonda Byrne
            • Cover : Paperback
            • Language : Marathi
            • Edition : 2013
            • Pages : 279 pages
            • Weight : 280 gm
            • Size : 20 x 14 x 4 cm
            • ISBN-10 : 8183223494
            • ISBN-13 : 978-8183223492

            In this book, the bestselling author Rhonda Byrne reveals this life-changing knowledge to the world. Then, on an incredible 28 days journey, she teaches you how to apply this knowledge in your everyday life. No matter who you are, no matter where you are, no matter what your current circumstances, The Magic is going to change your entire life.

            Autobiography of a Yogi (Marathi)
            Autobiography of a Yogi (Marathi)
            • Publisher : Yogoda Satsanga Society of India
            • By : Paramahansa Yogananda
            • Cover : Paperback
            • Language : Marathi
            • Edition : 2020
            • Pages :‎ 750 pages
            • Weight : 740 gm
            • Size : 24 x 18 x 1 cm
            • ISBN-10 : 8190256254
            • ISBN-13 : 978-8190256254

            Paramahansa Yogananda is an Indian Yogi and Guru whose best-selling spiritual classic autobiography of a Yogi, has introduced millions of readers to the perennial wisdom of the East. He is now widely recognized as the father of yoga in the West. He founded Yogoda Satsanga society of India in 1917, in Ranchi, and self-realization Fellowship in Los Angeles in 1920 for the dissemination of Kriya yoga. His other works include God talks with Arjuna: the Bhagavad Gita, the second coming of Christ: the resurrection of the Christ within you, the law of success, how you can talk with God, man's eternal quest, the divine romance, inner peace etc. All available on Amazon. In.

            The Secret (Marathi)
            The Secret (Marathi)
            • Publisher : Manjul Publishing House
            • By : Rhonda Byrne
            • Cover : Paperback
            • Language : Marathi
            • Edition : 2010
            • Pages : ‎ 224 pages
            • Weight : 380 gm
            • Size : 20 x 14 x 4 cm
            • ISBN-10 : 8183221769
            • ISBN-13 : 978-8183221764

            This is the Marathi translation of bestseller - THE SECRET. This book talks about an ancient secret, guarded and coveted by our ancestors and passed down through generations. Rhonda Byrne claims that if this ancient secret came across the hands of the right person, it could work miraculous wonders for that person. In this book, Rhonda unleashes the secret upon the world. This is the Marathi version of the bestselling book that has garnered positive reviews from all over the world.

            Ikigai (Marathi)
            Ikigai (Marathi)
            • Publisher : My Mirror Publishing House
            • By : Hector Garcia & Francess Miralles
            • Cover : Paperback
            • Language : Marathi
            • Edition : 2019
            • Pages :‎ 192 pages
            • Weight : 220 gm
            • Size : 21 x 14 x 1.5 cm
            • ISBN-10 : 9385223984
            • ISBN-13 : 978-9385223983

            Discover the Japanese secret to a long and happy life with the internationally bestselling guide to ikigai. The people of Japan believe that everyone has an ikigai – a reason to jump out of bed each morning. And according to the residents of the Japanese island of Okinawa – the world’s longest-living people – finding it is the key to a longer and more fulfilled life. Inspiring and comforting, this book will give you the life-changing tools to uncover your personal ikigai. It will show you how to leave urgency behind, find your purpose, nurture friendships and throw yourself into your passions. Bring meaning and joy to your every day with ikigai. 'Ikigai gently unlocks simple secrets we can all use to live long, meaningful, happy lives. Science-based studies weave beautifully into honest, straight-talking conversation you won’t be able to put down. Warm, patient, and kind, this book pulls you gently along your own journey rather than pushing you from behind.' Neil Pasricha, bestselling author of The Happiness Equation

              Bhagavad Gita As It Is - (Marathi)
              Bhagavad Gita As It Is - (Marathi)
              • Publisher : Bhaktivedanta Book Trust 
              • By : Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
              • Cover : Hardcover
              • Language : Marathi
              • Edition : 2013
              • Pages :  640 pages
              • Weight : 581 gm
              • Size : 20 x 14 x 4 cm
              • ISBN-10 : 938217639X
              • ISBN-13 : 978-9382176398

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