603 products

- Publisher : Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
- By : Sri Ramana Maharshi
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2018
- Pages : 56
- Weight : 65 gm.
- Size : 7.1 x 4.7 x 0.2 inches
- ISBN-10 : 8172765142
- ISBN-13 : 978-8172765149
Sri Ramana Maharshi (1879 to 1950 A.D.)
Venkataramana was a lad in his teens in Madurai in South India. Urged by an inner call, the body played the truant, slipped away from home and soon found himself in the solitary caves of the Arunachala Hills. There he forgot the world, and, insensible to hunger and thirst and reckless of the ravages which crawling creatures wrought on his body, he immersed himself in concentrated meditation.
After a number of years of his phenomenal tapas, incredibly unrelieved by any break whatsoever, he emerged with the realization of the Supreme Reality and of the identity of his Self with it. Liberated by that realization from the chains of finitude, he became a Jivanmukta. Proclaimed a Maharsh from that time, Bhagavan Ramana, as he was reverently adored lived ever after in his ashram at Tiruvannamalai in Sahaja Samadhi, always established in the Spirit and overlooking the things, of the World with a smiling serenity.
A living witness to Advaita anubhava, Sri Ramana spent the remainder of his days conveying counsel through his unparted lips and providing comfort by the beam of his gracious eyes to the countless disciples and devotees who sought refuge at his holy feet from their ills of mind and body. ‘Know thy Self and the world will not torment thee was the central teaching of this modern edition of Vamadeva of yore.

This translation is done to brake a jinx, which tells that ‘Bhoot’ means ghost!!! or this Tantra, deals with exorcisms of ghost enchanting etc!! This is an approach to establish the glory of it; which it had during its epoch. This would certainly be a great readout for worshipers of Sri Bhairava.
About the Author
Giri Ratna Mishra is an Electronics and Communications engineer by qualitification and an ex-IT Executive of an MNC. Being initiated by the great social reformer and Saint of India, Aghoreshwar bhagwan Ramji, he has given up his professional career and is now involved in serving his Deity under the guidance of his able guru, Being born in Varanasi as a son of Smt. Padma Mishra and Sri Raghvendra Mishra, he has taken up a responsibility to spread the pragmatic message of Tantra in society via discourses on Sri Durga Saptashati and writing books; so that Tantric diaspora may convert into mass.

- Publisher : Sri Satguru Publication
- By : Vidya Dehejia, Dehejia
- Cover : Hardcover
- Edition : 1998
- Language : English
- Pages : 300
- Size : 8.6 x 5.7 x 0.7 inch
- Weight : 320 gm.
- ISBN-10 : 8170303133
- ISBN-13 : 978-8170303138
- Product Code : BK10545
From the Jacket:
This book is a translation and study of the poems of ninth century woman saint and mystic. The introduction is designed to make the translations accessible to a non-specialist audience, while the Notes provide insights into the poems and useful explications of allusions and convention with which readers who do not possess a specialized knowledge of Tamil Vaisnava bhakti may be familiar.
"I liked the clear and idiomatic translation. Dehejia introduces the reader to a world of religious experience that is little known. In doing so, she recapture Antal's very personal appropriation of the world of Hindu Vaisnava myth. This book will make an important contribution towards widening out knowledge of women mystics."
Paul E. Muller-Ortega, Department of Religious Studies, Michigan State University. "As an aesthetically successful English translation of an important but hitherto neglected Tamil Bhakti text, this book represents a major contribution to the study of south Indian Hinduism. The text translated in exemplary of an important variety of religious experience in Hinduism which is prominent in many regions of India. It is therefore significant both in terms of the study of Tamil Hinduism and from a broader pan-regional perspective." Norman Cutler, Department of South Asian Languages and Civilizations, The University of Chicago.
About the Author:
Vidya Dehijia is Associate Professor at Columbia University. She has written Slaves of the Lord: The Path of the Tamil Saints.

- Publisher : Chaukhamba Sanskrit Prakashan
- By : Ajai Kumar Chhawchharia
- Cover : Hardcover
- Language : English
- Edition : 2016
- Pages : 2910
- Weight :
- Size :
- ISBN-10 : 9385005391
- ISBN-13 : 978-9385005398
- Product Code : BK9023

- Publisher : Chaukhamba Sanskrit Prakashan
- By : Ajai Kumar Chhawchharia
- Cover : Hardcover
- Language : English
- Edition : 2010
- Page : 1596
- Weight : 3.50 kg.
- Size : 10 x 7.2 x 5.2 inches
- ISBN-10 : 9380326009
- ISBN-13 : 978-9380326016
- Product Code : BK9022
The Eternal Upanishads represent the profound essence, the succulent juice and the perennial spiritual philosophy of the Vedas, expounded and elucidated to make them practical and accessible for spiritual aspirants. They are magnificent, stupendous, forceful and powerful instruments in the hands of true seekers that provide spiritual foresight and vision of the ultimate Truth and reality. The Upanishads are integral part of the Vedas; each Veda has a number of Upanishads in it. The present series classifies these Upanishads in true vedic tradition, i.e. they are listed and separated into different volumes strictly according to the Vedic sequence and the Vedas they appear in. Each verse of each Upanishad has been extensively explained using simple language supplemented by elaborate notes so that these profound metaphysical treatises can be made accessible to even a lay man. Towards this end, extensive appendices have been added to elucidated the different concepts in simple words. Concepts such as OM, Naad, Naadis, Chakras, Yoga, Atma, Viraat, Moksha etc. are all elaborately explained in these separate appendices, a Mantra index in roman in also included. The present volume contains 16 principal Upanishads of the Rig Veda. The sequence of their listing in this volume strictly follows the sanction of the Upanishads themselves, as is Clear in Muktikopanishad, cant 1, verse no. 56. Ajai Kumar Chhawchharia born on 8th August, 1955 in Burdwan district of West Bengal, is a humble and unpretentious bachelor, who has dedicated his entire life to the service of Lord Ram. At present he is residing in the holy pilgrim city of Ayodhya (U.P. India) since 1985. Preface A steady Light which is swifter than thought (mind) is present amongst moving (animate) things to show the way to happiness. All the Go

- Publisher : Chaukhamba Sanskrit Prakashan
- By : Ajai Kumar Chhawchharia
- Cover : Hardcover
- Language : English
- Edition : 2010
- Pages : 412
- Weight :
- Size :
- ISBN-10 : 9380326017
- ISBN-13 : 978-9380326016
- Product Code : BK9021
The Eternal Upanishads represent the profound essence, the succulent juice and the perennial spiritual philosophy of the Vedas, expounded and elucidated to make them practical and accessible for spiritual aspirants. They are magnificent, stupendous, forceful and powerful instruments in the hands of true seekers that provide spiritual foresight and vision of the ultimate Truth and reality. The Upanishads are integral part of the Vedas; each Veda has a number of Upanishads in it. The present series classifies these Upanishads in true vedic tradition, i.e. they are listed and separated into different volumes strictly according to the Vedic sequence and the Vedas they appear in. Each verse of each Upanishad has been extensively explained using simple language supplemented by elaborate notes so that these profound metaphysical treatises can be made accessible to even a lay man. Towards this end, extensive appendices have been added to elucidated the different concepts in simple words. Concepts such as OM, Naad, Naadis, Chakras, Yoga, Atma, Viraat, Moksha etc. are all elaborately explained in these separate appendices, a Mantra index in roman in also included. The present volume contains 16 principal Upanishads of the Rig Veda. The sequence of their listing in this volume strictly follows the sanction of the Upanishads themselves, as is Clear in Muktikopanishad, cant 1, verse no. 56.

- Publisher : Penguin India (25 November 2011)
- By : Muddupalani & Sandhya Mulchandani (Tr)
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2011
- Pages : 200 pages
- Weight : 160 gm.
- Size : 7.8 x 5.1 x 0.5 inches
- ISBN-10 : 9780143417439
- ISBN-13 : 978-0143417439
An erotic classic and the most recognized work of an celebrated nineteenth-century poet and courtesan 'Last night, I dreamt of Hari With that melodious-voiced woman. He seemed impatient with me, And now even The song of the nightingale seems shrill.' An erotic narrative poem that explores desire and jealousy, love experienced and love lost, Radhika Santawanam is the most recognized work of nineteenth-century poet and courtesan Muddupalani. Celebrated as a literary masterpiece in Muddupalani's lifetime, Radhika Santawanam was banned by the British in 1910 when it was published again, a century and a half later, with critics panning its graphic descriptions of lovemaking. And, after another hundred years, this epic is now available in its entirety for the first time in English translation.

- Publisher : Penguin
- By : H. S. Shiva Prakash
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2010
- Pages : 252 pages
- Weight : 190 gm.
- Size : 5.1 x 0.6 x 7.8 inches
- ISBN-10 : 9780143063575
- ISBN-13 : 978-0143063575
One of the only collections of Vachana poetry in translation—a must read for all poetry lovers. Here I come, a ferryman without a body To the great flowing river. If you pay the price– Your mind That grasps and lets go, I shall take you across” Vachana poetry in Kannada literature attained its zenith in the twelfth century. Passionate, intensely personal, and ahead of their times, these free-verse poems speak eloquently of the futility of formal learning, the vanity of wealth and the evils of social divisions. The vachanas stress on the worship of Shiva, through love, labour and devotion, as the only worthwhile life-goal for the vachanakara—the vachana poet. This collection offers a selection of vachanas composed by a wide range of vachanakaras from different walks of life writing during that period. While some of these poets are well known even today, most have been forgotten. Translated fluidly and with great skill by H.S. Shivaprakash, I Keep Vigil of Rudra is not only an important addition to Vachana literature, but also a must read for lovers of poetry everywhere.

- Publisher : Penguin Global
- By : A.N.D. Haksar
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2007
- Pages : 208 pages
- Weight : 210 gm.
- Size : 0.4 x 5.1 x 7.8 inches
- ISBN-10 : 9780143101369
- ISBN-13 : 978-0143101369
The subhashita verse is a popular feature of Sanskrit literature. Composed in isolation or as part of a larger work, it is essentially a miniature poem which encapsulates a complete thought, mood or image in a single stanza. These verse epigrams have a wide range of themes. This selection from the Subhashitavali, a celebrated verse anthology compiled by Vallabhadeva in c. fifteenth-century Kashmir, offers a rich variety of erotic poetry and a wealth of lyrical and gnomic verse. One section is given to earthy humour and cynical satire seldom available in English renditions. Also included are invocations and allegories, panegyrics and pen-pictures, sage observations and stark musings. The sweep of these verses is matched by the eclectic array of contributors from illustrious poets like Vyasa and Valmiki, Kalidasa and Bana to others now mostly forgotten. These verses of jollity and wit, ribaldry and bawdiness, snide sarcasm and wry comment showcase the fact that Sanskrit literature, generally perceived as staid and serious, can also be flippant and fun.

- Publisher : Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
- By : K. Venkataraman
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 1 January 2010
- Pages : 146
- Weight : 170 gm.
- Size : 8.3 x 5.5 x 0.4 inches
- ISBN-10 : 8172763557
- ISBN-13 : 978-8172763558
In this set of Shirdi stories the author presents the incidents in which the devotees had experienced the grace of Baba under trying situations, testifying to them Baba's living presence.
The stories here, each self-contained, are spread over the eight decades that have elapsed since Sai Baba's passing away. They are based on the actual experiences of Baba's non-corporeal grace regardless of the religion or region of the recipient. The reader will find the volume absorbing both as a collection of short stories and as a portrayal of experiences relating to Baba from the point of view of one person or another.
About The Author : K Venkatraman
He is the author of books on public finance, technology, and development issues. This is his first novel.

- Publisher : Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
- By : Sri Chandrasekhara Bharati Swaminah
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 1998
- Pages : 54
- Weight :
- Size : 7.2 x 4.8 Inch
- ISBN-10 : 8172764936
- ISBN-13 : 978-8172764937
The book is a collection of His Holiness's teachings, gathered by one of his disciples.
His Holiness's discourses on Hindu Religion and Dharma, which were simple in language and lucid in exposition, were punctuated with homely illustrations, and had the power to convince the doubting and convert the sceptic, coming as he did, in the succession of authentic tradition, his is the classical view of Hindu Dharma in its pristine purity. Some of his Holiness's teachings, faithfully gathered in this book by one of his devoted disciples, have a special value in the context of ignorance, misunderstanding and bewilderment that assail us at the present time, both as individuals and as a society.
About The Author : H.H. Jagadguru Sri Chandrasekhara Bharati Swaminah :
His Holiness Jagadguru Sri Chandrasekhara Bharati was the Sankaracharya who adorned the Sri Sarada Pitha of Sringeri in the Mysore State. It was the first seat of Advaita Philosophy established by Sri Sankara. His Holiness was a saintly personality of great spiritual eminence and profound scholarship in the Sastras. A Brahmajnani of rare experience in periods of Samadhi when the luminous glow in his countenance proclaimed his Brahmanubhava.

- Publisher : Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
- By : V.C. Kulandai Swamy
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2002
- Pages : 114
- Weight : 150 gm.
- Size : 14.6 x 1.9 x 22.9 cm
- ISBN-10: 8172015895
- ISBN-13: 978-8172015893
The Kural by Thiruvalluvar is an ancient work of the Sangam Age. The author raises the query: 'What is it that makes the Kural immortal?', and tries to seek an answer.
The author highlights Valluvar's penetrating insight into the unshifting foundations of life and his extraordinary genius for abstraction and generalization. It is strikingly different from any book or commentary so far written on the Kural.
About The Author : V.C. Kulandai Swamy :
Prof. Kulandai Swamy, a well known writer in Tamil, his literary contributions comprise mainly poems; he has also written articles and books on varied topics ranging from literary criticism to modernization of Tamil language. Prof. Swamy was given Sahitya Akademi Award in 1988 and was conferred the national honour of Padma Shri in 1922 and Padma Bhushan in 2002 by the President of India.

- Product Code :BK7716
- Size :7.0" X 4.5"
- Weight :2 kg.
- Author :K.M. Munshi
- ISBN :9788172764630, 9788172764753, 9788172764845, 9788172764722, 9788172764661, 9788172764739, 9788172764678
- Publisher :Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
- Edition :2014
- Cover :Paperback
- Language :English
- Pages :2055
Who has not heard of Sri Krishna who delivered the message of the Bhagavad Gita and whom the Bhagavat calls 'God Himself?
From the earliest days that my memories can go back to, Sri Krishna has been, in a sense, dominating my imagination. In my childhood, I heard his adventures with breathless amazement. Since then I have read of him, sung of him, admired him, worshipped him in a hundred temples and every year on his birthday at home. And day after day, for years and years, his message has been the strength of my life.
Unfortunately, his fascinating personality, which could be glimpsed in what may be called the original Mahabharata, has been overlaid with legends, myths, miracles and adorations for about three thousand years.
Wise and valorous, he was, loving and loved, far- seeing and yet living for the moment. gifted with sage-like detachment and yet intensely human; the diplomat. the sage and the man of action with a personality as luminous as that of a divinity.
The urge, Therefore, came upon me. time and again, to embark upon a reconstruction of his life and adventures by weaving a romance around him.
It was an impossible venture. but like hundreds of authors in all parts of India for centuries. I could not help offering him whatever little of imagination and creative power I possessed. feeble though they were.
I have called the whole work Krishnavatara, The Descent of the Lord. This, the First Part. which ends with the death of Kamsa, has been named 'The Magic Flute". for it deals with his boyhood associated with the flute. which hypnotized men. animals and birds alike. sung with such loving tenderness by innumerable poets.
I have named the Second Part. which ends with Rukmini Haran. The Wrath of an Emperor, as the central theme is the successful defiance by Sri Krishna of Jarasandha, the Emperor of Magadha. The Third Part is entitled The Five Brothers and ends with Draupadi's Swayamvara. The Fourth Part is entitled The Book of Bhima and the Fifth Part is entiled The Book of Satyabhaama. The Sixth Part, which is now being serially published in the Bhavan's Journal; is entitled The Book of Vyaasa. the Master.
I hope to carry forward the series till the episode when, on the battle-field of Kurukshetra. Krishna reveals himself as the Eternal Guardian of the Cosmic Law-Saashvata Dharma Gopta-to Arjuna, if it is His will that I should do so.
I have followed the technique since 1922 to reconstruct the episodes connected with Chyavana and Sukanya in Purandara Parajaya (a play). Agastya and Lopamudra, Vasishta and Vishwamitra, Parashurama and Sahasrarjuna in Vishvaratha (a romance), Deva Didheli (a play), Vishwamitra Rishi (a play), Lomaharshini (a romance) and Bhagavan Parashurama (a romance), and now Sri Krishna and the heroes and heroines of Mahabharata in these volumes of Krishnavatara.
Time and again, I have made it clear that none of these works is an English rendering of any old Purana.
In reconstructing Sri Krishna's life and adventures. I had, like many of my predecessors, to reconstruct the episodes inherited from the past. so as to bring out his character, attitude and outlook with the personality-sustained technique of modern romance. I had also had to give flesh and blood to various obscure characters referred to in the Mahabharata.
In the course of this adventure. I had often to depart from the legend and myth. for such reconstruction by a modern author must necessarily involve the exercise of whatever little imagination he has. I trust He will forgive me for the liberty I am taking, but must write of Him as I see Him in my imagination.

- Product Code :BK7715
- Size :6.9" x 9.9"
- Weight :1.300 kg.
- Author :Kamala Subramaniam
- ISBN :978-8172763763
- Publisher :Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
- Edition :2013
- Cover :Hard Cover
- Language :English
- Pages :790
Once, when Markandeya was in his Ashrama on the banks of the river Pushpabhadra he saw that a strong gale was blowing and this was followed by a fierce storm Before many moments had passed he saw that the earth was covered with water He realized that The Great Deluge had come.
Markandeya was floating on the turbulent sea which carried him away from his Ashrama. He knew not that this was Vishnumaya which he had been wanting to see.
All on a Sudden he saw a Nyagrodha trees which was standing firm in the midst of the waves a branch of the tree could be seen pointing toward the direction Ishanya There on a leaf he saw a lovely child which was dispelling the darkness around with its glow. Green like a newly broken piece of an emerald mountain with the red flowers of the pomegranate adorning its ears the child had raised his foot to his lips. It was sucking its toe with a beatific smile on its face.
Markandeya was swept near and was and sucked into the body of the child along with its breath inside. When he opened his eyes. Markandeya saw the Universe The small child small enough to lie on an Ashwantha leaf held inside it the entire Universe Yashoda was also granted this vision when Krishna opened his month. This was the vision of Markandeya.

- Publisher : Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
- By : Makhan Lal Sen
- Cover : Hardcover
- Language : English
- Edition : 2008
- Pages : 621
- Weight :
- Size : 9" x 6"
- ISBN- 10 : 8121500931
- ISBN-13 :
- Product Code: B7189
From the Jacket
Makhan Lal Sen's The Ramayana of Valmiki is a modernized version in English prose of the great Sanskrit epic Ramayana. The appeal and freshness of epic poems transcend all limitations imposed by time, space, age, caste, creed, society, and language. All, irrespective of their age, succumb to the charms and fascinating personalities of its heroes, who have inspired countless men of different generations and spurred them on to perform almost superhuman task. Modern civilization owes most of its dazzling achievements to such inspiration.
Valmiki's Ramayana is something more than an epic. No one has built shrines in honour of Homer's heroes, to worship them as God. In contrast, from the time of its composition to this day, Valmiki's hero never lacked devotees. The reason for this strange phenomenon lies in this: in the Greek epics the cause is ambition, and the effect is the valour of its heroes; in Ramayana the cause is the moral welfare of society and the effect is the ideal conduct of its heroes under the most trying circumstances that destiny can weave. Rama is a personification of all that is expected of an ideal son, ideal brother, ideal husband, ideal prince, ideal ally, ideal commander, and an ideal king.
Translation of epics and rendering them in prose, is, at the best of times, an hazardous and arduous job. Here, the translator has done his best to capture to a remarkable degree the grandeur of the epic, the loftiness of its thought, the simplicity and elegance of its diction, and the freshness of its enduring beauty. This book, being one of those rare ones which elevates one's soul, should find a place under every roof.
About the Book
Makhan Lal Sen's The Ramayana of Valmiki is a modernized version in English prose of the great Sanskrit epic Ramayana. The appeal and freshness of epic poems transcend all limitations imposed by time, space, age, caste, creed, society, and language. All, irrespective of their age, succumb to the charms and fascinating personalities of its heroes, who have inspired countless men of different generations and spurred them on to perform almost superhuman task. Modern civilization owes most of its dazzling achievements to such inspiration.
Valmiki's Ramayana is something more than an epic. No one has built shrines in honour of Homer's heroes, to worship them as God. In contrast, from the time of its composition to this day, Valmiki's hero never lacked devotees. The reason for this strange phenomenon lies in this: in the Greek epics the cause is ambition, and the effect is the valour of its heroes; in Ramayana the cause is the moral welfare of society and the effect is the ideal conduct of its heroes under the most trying circumstances that destiny can weave. Rama is a personification of all that is expected of an ideal son, ideal brother, ideal husband, ideal prince, ideal ally, ideal commander, and an ideal king.
Translation of epics and rendering them in prose, is, at the best of time, an hazardous and arduous job. Here, the translator has done his best to capture to remarkable degree the grandeur of the epic, the loftiness of its thought, the simplicity and elegance of its diction, and the freshness of its enduring beauty. This book, being one of those rare ones which elevates one's soul, should find a place under every roof.

- Publisher : Gita Press Gorakhpur
- By : Keshoram Aggarwal
- Cover : Paperback
Language : Sanskrit Text and English Translation
- Edition : 2007
Pages : 364
- Weight : 315 gm.
Size : 8.1" X 5.3"
- ISBN-10 :
Product Code : BK7082
As we know, Gita Press is committed to publish literature that is helpful in exhilarating morality, building national character and inculcating fervour for developing devotion to the universe. For this purpose, Gita press has in its agenda, the publication of puranic literature, rare books on religious subjects, Upanisads, Gita, Ramayana and Mahabharata etc. Under this process Gita Press published the Asvamedhika Parva of Mahabharata composed by Maharsi Jaimini, a great scholar, poet, philosopher and also astrologer. His book on astrology is regarded as a mature composition on the subject.
It is said that Maharsi Jaimini composed also Mahabharata- much bigger in comparison to Mahabharata composed by Krsnadvaipayana vyasa. But the current of time swallowed most of it and now remains only Asvamedhika parva which gives a vivid description of Asvamedha Yajna performed by Yudhisthira. There are three thousand Slokas in the Asvamedha parva of Mahabharata composed by Vyasadeva and four thousand Slokas are there in the Asvamedhika Parva of Jaiminiya Mahabharata. It may give an idea how voluminous the complete Jaiminiya Mahabharata must have been.
A few years before it was a rare book. For the first time Gita Press published it in monthly 'Kalyan' in a serial form and afterwards in a book form with original Sanskrit text and Hindi translation. Now it has been decided to present an English translation with original Sanskrit text for the benefit of non-Hindi readers of the country and also abroad.
From the point of story telling it starts with presenting Yudhisthira quite aggrieved on account of the sin he committed in the form of mass massacre in the war. He seriously thinks to abandon the kingship and go to the forest for practicing penance. Vyasa ap

- Publisher : Motilal Banarsidass
- By : Robert P. Goldman, Sally J. Sutherland Goldman
- Cover : Hardcover
- Language : English
- Edition : 2011
- Pages : 574
- Weight : 750 gm.
- Size : 8.6 x 5.7 x 1.5 inches
- ISBN-10 : 8120832949
- ISBN-13 : 978-8120832947
The purpose, in writing this book, is to provide a self-contained primer, workbook and reader for teaching first year Sanskrit students with no previous linguistic training. The author has tried throughout the work to introduce, explain and illustrate the most significant features of the language and through verses, quotations, and readings.
To these ends the grammar has been, in several areas, simplified to prevent the beginner from being more hampered than is absolutely necessary by relatively insignificant paradigms, rules and exceptions.
Upon completion of this course, students should have a real working knowledge of the major outlines of Sanskrit sentences with some facility and read, with the help of dictionary, approximately five to ten verses of the Valmiki Ramayana or a similar text in an hour.

With Inner Tantric Yoga, David Frawley reminds us that we have, hidden within our own deeper awareness, wonderful Gods and Goddesses in embryo who have but one intention: to bring the sacred back into our lives. — Deepak Chopra and David Simon, The Chopra and David Simon, The Chopra Center for Wellbeing
Vamadeva (Dr.Frawley) is a living rishi who guides his students to the fullest scope of yogic insight and realization. His book weaves Tantra, Veda and Yoga, Shakti and Shiva, into a magnificent tapestry of wisdom, beauty and delight.-Shambhavi Chopra, author of Yogini, Unfolding the Goddess Within
David Frawley continues to bring new understandings of the esoteric aspects of Tantra and Yoga. This work is invaluable for all seekers of yoga who would know it in its fullest context as a spiritual art and practice.-Mukunda Stiles, author of Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy
David Frawley, (Vamadeva Shastri) is the preeminent American born authority on Hindu philosophy and scripture. Inner Tantric Yoga is a new jewel from Vamadeva's store of precious treasures, and a ""must have"" for serious students of Eastern mystical teachings and dedicated practitioners. It receives my highest recommendation.-Thomas Ashley-Farrand, author of Healing Mantras and Shakti Mantras

Acknowledgements, Foreword, Abbreviations, Introductions: Getting Ready for the Show, 1. Entering the Theatre 2. Taking the Stage 3. All the World's a Stage 4. Following the Plot 5. The Plot Thickens 6. Lights Up, References, Index

- Product Code :BK8811
- Publisher : Motilal Banarsidass
- Edition : April 30, 2013
- Pages : 525
- Weight : 780g.
- Size : 5.5 x 1.4 x 8.7 inches
- Cover : Paperback
- Auther : Richard Desmet
- Language : English
- ISBN : 8120836138, 978-8120836136
Understanding Sankara brings together the essays of the late Richard De Smet, SJ (1916-1997) on the great Indian Advaitin. With the help of his discovery of a doctrine of laksana (analogy) in Sankara, De Smet challenges the traditional interpretation of the acarya as an illusionistic mayavadin. He also attempts a dialogue between Sankara's Advaita and Christianity, especially as represented by Thomas Aquinas. The present collection makes available this important contribution to Indology and opens it up to dialectic and dialogue.

- Publisher : Sri Satguru Publication
- By : P.H. Kulkarni
- Cover : Paperback
- Edition : 2002
- Language : English
- Pages : 189
- ISBN-10 : 8170307465
- ISBN-13 : 978-8170307464
- Product Code : BK10555
"Prof. Dr. Kulkarni is well known Ayurvedic Physician. Research Guide in Ayurveda, University of Pune. Founder Director, Institute of Indian medicine/Ayurveda Academy. Editor of seven Medical Journals including ' Deerghayu International'. Author of Twelve books related to Ayurveda. Worked as Patron, President, Secretary, Treasurer of many Ayurvedic, Medical and Social Organisations at national and international level. Dr. Kulkarni has established Ayurvedic Centers in many countries of the world and traveled extensively for propogation, education and research in Ayurveda. Prof. Kulkarni is receipient of many national and international awards including Pax Mundi Fellowship (Dag Hammarkjold Awards Committee) for Professional Excellence."

- Product Code :BK10554
- Author :Prof. Dr. P.H. Kulkarni
- ISBN :8170306949 ,978-8170306948
- Publisher :Sri Satguru Publication
- Edition :2001
- Cover :Paperback
- Language :English
- Pages :417
- Product Code :BK10552
- Size :8.7 x 5.6 x 0.5 inches
- Weight :310g
- Author :A Compilation
- ISBN :978-8170301844 ,817030184X
- Publisher :Sri Satguru Publication
- Edition :February 1, 1998
- Cover :Paperback
- Language :English
- Pages :133
A Popular History of Hindu Medicine is a desideratum in English Literature: - and yet the growing spirit of age calls for a systematic arrangement of the subject. Amidst the mass of writings scattered in the pages of forgotten works on classical India, this book will, it is hoped, serve as beacons in directing the foot-steps of the rising general, and tend to inspire them with zeal to pursue their course of investigation in the realms of antiquity. The subject dealt are Antiquity of the Hindu Medical System, Mythical Account of the antiquity of Ayurveda, Hindu medical works and their authors, Synopsis of the leading medical works (Atreya Samhita), Analysis of Charaka, Sushurta, The rank of the Hindu physicians, The duty of the physicians and his attendents, The physicians fees, Hindu physiology: Growth of the human body, The three period of a man's life, Structure of the body, Hindu materia medica, Hindu pharmacy, Hindu hygiene, Hindu surgery.
The book is being published under Indian Medical Science Series
A popular History of Hindu Medicine is a desideratum in English Literature and yet the growing spirit of the age calls for a systematic arrangement of the subject. This miniature History of Hindu Ayur- Veda' is the growth of the times. Amidst the mass of writings scattered in the pages of forgotten works on classical Hind, this little book will, it is hoped, serve as beacons in directing the foot-steps of the rising generation, and tend to inspire them with zeal to pursue their course of investigation in the realms of antiquity, and stimulate them to fulfill the heritage of the intellectual glory of their sires worthy of the tradition of their race.
It now remains to add that the materials of this sketch were mostly gleaned from the monumental work of Dr. Thomas A. Wise, to the genius of whose pen the world is indebted for a comprehensive Review of the History of Medicine.

- Product Code :BK10551
- Size : 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.1 inches
- Weight : 200g
- Author :Professor Dr. P.H. Kulkarni
- ISBN :978-8170306641 , 8170306647
- Publisher :Sri Satguru Publication
- Edition :December 31, 2000
- Cover :Paperback
- Language :English
- Pages :137
About The Author
Prof. Dr. P.H. Kulkarni is well known Ayurvedic Physician, research Guide in Ayurveda, University of Poona, Director, Institute of Indian Medicine / Ayurveda Academy, Editor of seen journals including ‘Deerghayu International; author of twelve books related to ayurveda. Worked as president, Secretary, Treasurer of many Ayurvedic, Medical and Social Organizations at national and international level. Dr. Kulkarni have established Ayurvedic Centers in many countries of the world and traveled extensively for propagation and education of Ayurveda. Prof. Dr. Kulkarni is recipient of many international awards including Pax mundi Fellowship (Dag Hammarskjold) awards committee)
Study of Ayurveda is eternal. One can try understand Ayurveda in one’s life. It seems very difficult. Hence it is beneficial to study Ayurveda every day, every life.
Whatever I understood about Ayurveda, during last 44 years, I tried to write it. In this book salient features about diagnosis are considered as described in ayurvedic Treaties and recent research references are given for benefit of interested persons.
Chikitsa (Treatment) of other diseases, Ayurveda Dravyavidnyan, Philosophy, healthy life and such other books are in press.
Be Ayurveda help every body to be always happy!
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