Books on Hindu Studies
Books on Hindu Studies
240 products
![Practice of Vedanta [Paperback]]({width}x.jpg?v=1592312900)
![Practice of Vedanta [Paperback]]({width}x.jpg?v=1592312900)
- Publisher : Divine Life Society
- By : Swami Sivananda
- Cover : Papaerback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2009
- Pages : 206
- Weight : 240 gm.
- Size : 8.4 x 5.6 x 0.4 inches
- ISBN-10: 8170521912
- ISBN-13: 978-8170521914
This book contains many valuable practical instructions. Many kinds of Vedantic Sadhana are lucidly described. Various illustration anecdotes, stories, similes and analogies have. made the subject very, very clear and interesting.About Author:
Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj was a healer of the body in his Purvashram (before he entered the Holy Order of Sannyasa). He was a born healer, with an extraordinary inborn love to serve humanity; that is why he chose the medical profession as a career. That is why he edited and published a health Journal Ambrosia. That is why he
went over to Malaya to serve the poor in the plantations there. And, strangely enough, that is why, he renounced the world and embraced the Holy Order of Sannyasa.
He was a healer of the body and the soul. This truth is reflected in the Ashram which he has established in Rishikesh. The huge hospital equipped with modern instruments was set up and the entire Ashram where all are welcome to get themselves healed of their heart’s sores and thoroughly refresh themselves in the divine atmosphere of the holy place.
Sri Swamiji wanted that all systems of healing should flourish. He had equal love and admiration for all systems of healing. He wanted that the best of all the systems should be brought out and utilised in the service of Man. He has written a number of books on all aspects of Healing—from the Naturopathic and Allopathic points of view.
This one dealing with Ayurveda is a valuable addition to the healer’s armamentarium.

- Publisher : Divine Life Society
- By : Swami Sivananda
- Cover : Papaerback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2003
- Pages : 286
- Weight : 250 gm.
- Size : 8.1 x 5.5 x 0.6 inches
- ISBN-10: 8170520479
- ISBN-13: 978-8170520474
Hinduism is veritably the fountain-head of all religions.It contains within itself the seeds of all religions.It is but natural that people all over the world should show increasing interest in a religion so universal.The popularity of this book can be gauged from the fact that it ran into Ten re-prints after it was printed first time in the year 1947.A unique book of its kind elucidating, as never before, the nuances of the all-comprehensive religion of Hinduism, the best extant textbook in its theory and practice.
About the Author
Swami Sivanananda,one of the greatest Spiritual leaders produced by India is known to amazonians with his excellent interpretation of Bhagavadgita and also other works. A trained Medical professional gave up the profession and set up a world famous Ashram at Rishikes,India. A great Spituality Master he trained very many disciples and in their own right they have also become Masters with their works like Swami Satyanananda Saraswati,whose Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha is a best seller on

- Publisher : Divine Life Society
- By : Swami Sivananda
- Cover : Papaerback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2001
- Pages : 176
- Weight : 150 gm.
- Size : 7 x 4.9 x 0.4 inches
- ISBN-10: 8170520398
- ISBN-13: 978-8170520399
Book description:the hindus are a profoundly religious people their goal of life is self-realisation or the attainment of god-consciousness in this book gurudev has explained the significance and the philosophy of many of our fasts and festivals in two aspects of these observances, he has always allowed the greatest freedom: (1) in the determination of the dates of the festival, which, as he has explained on page 53, vary, and (2) in the traditional ways of celebrating them for instance, in south india during the durga puja they have the kolu when various idols and toys are arranged in colourful gallaries before which, every evening, girls sit and sing again, in some places there is fire-walking without the kavadi (see page 109), held in honour of draupadi amman who was born of fire; or in ceylon, according to yogi satchidananda of ceylon, in honour of kannaki amman gurudev never disturbs anyones good beliefs and customs about author:sri swami sivanandaji maharaj was a healer of the body in his purvashram (before he entered the holy order of sannyasa) he was a born healer, with an extraordinary inborn love to serve humanity; that is why he chose the medical profession as a career that is why he edited and published a health journal ambrosia that is why he went over to malaya to serve the poor in the plantations there and, strangely enough, that is why, he renounced the world and embraced the holy order of sannyasa sri swamiji wanted that all systems of healing should flourish he had equal love and admiration for all systems of healing he wanted that the best of all the systems should be brought out and utilised in the service of man he has written a number of books on all aspects of healing-from the naturopathic and allopathic points of view
- Publisher : Divine Life Society
- By : Swami Sivananda
- Cover : Papaerback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2009
- Pages : vi + 153p.
- Weight : 500 gm.
- Size : 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.3 inches
- ISBN-10: 8170520320
- ISBN-13: 978-8170520320
The present work is primarily intended for students. These days are so much of deliberations on the necessity for educational reform, for reassessment of the educational policy of the Government. There is also a good deal of criticism about the conduct of the students and their so-called degradation. It does not serve any purpose in merely is caviling the students or bemoaning the falling standard of education.With a positive attitude and right endeavor, every problem is capable of solution. The general quality of the students is basically unchanged. They only hunger for the right type of lead, a fulfillment of their sense of belonging, understanding on the part of the elders, and purposefulness in life. It is hoped that students and teachers will generally benefit by a study of this work.
About the Author:
Sri Swami Sivananda, born on the 8th September, 1887, in the illustrious family of Sage Appayya Dikshita and several other renowned saints and savants, Sri Swami Sivananda had a natural flair for a life devoted to the study and practice of Vedanta.
He was an inborn eagerness to serve all and an innate feeling of unity with all mankind. He is the author of over 300 volumes and has disciples all over the world, belonging to all nationalities, religions and creeds. To read his works is to drink at the Fountain of Wisdom Supreme.

- Publisher : Chinmaya Mission Trust
- By : Prema Nandakumar & R. Balasubramanian
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2013
- Pages : 270
- Weight : 550 gm
- Size : 15 x 23 Cm
- ISBN-10: 9380864167
- ISBN-13: 978-9380864167
Back of The BookWhen the rumblings of foreign assaults on India’s ancient Sanatana-dhrma began with Muhammad bin Qasim’s defeat of Raja Dahir of Sindh in 711 A.D., the land remained splintered politically. The times were not promising for bringing the national together in any manner. Just then, the gift of resurgence and spiritual unification came with the advent of Adi Sankara in 788 A.D. Renouncing material life, he mastered India’s ancient lore and cleared the cobwebs that obscured the Eternal Religion and interpreted cruicial scriptures like the Brahma-Sutra, the Upanisads and the Gita in the
light of Advaita Vedanta. Understanding the need of the aspirants to reach out to the Unknown through the known, Adi Sankara inaugurated the vast area of stotra literature, which remains the common man’s gateway tot eh Divine every today.
About The Book
Structured as a concise introduction to the varied writings of the greatest Advaitic philosopher the world has known, Adi Sankara: Finite to the Infinite recounts his life and travels. The individual writings are discussed to show how he was the father of the commentatorial tradition for which India is famous. What emerges in the end is an inspiring figure of an intrepid scholar, an illustrious teacher, a visionary administrator and a superb poet. Certainly, we have in Adi Sankara’s personality the much-needed motivation for the youth of today who are building the new India.
About The Author
Dr. Prema Nandakumar obtained her Ph.D. in 1961 for her study of Sri Aurobindo’s SriAurobindo’s epic poem, Savitri. Since then, she has been an independent researcher, publishing ciritical and biographic

- Publisher : Repro Knowledgcast Ltd
- By : Y. Keshava Menon
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2015
- Pages : 172
- Weight : 180 gm
- Size : 5.1 x 0.4 x 7.8 inches
- ISBN-10: 817224214X
- ISBN-13: 978-8172242145
New Enlarged Edition Though he is considered one of the foremost of India's philosophers, Shankara is also one of the most misunderstood. Much of the misunderstanding of Shankara's position may be due to the absence of a lucid presentation of his life and works in a comprehensive and readable form. This short monograph is an attempt to meet that need for the benefit of those who have no previous acquaintance with philosophy. Shankara was one of the most subtle of Indian philosophers, and though for him intellectual dexterity was not an end in itself, the reader will find some reasoning worthy of his steel in the following pages.
- Publisher : Yogoda Satsanga
- By : Paramahansa Yogananda
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2015
- Pages : 572
- Weight : 650 gm
- Size : 8 x 10 x 1.8 inches
- ISBN-10: 818995511X
- ISBN-13: 978-8189955113
Man’s eternal quest is a book about God: about God’s place in man’s life; in his hopes, will, aspirations, accomplishments. Life, man, achievement are but manifestations of the one omnipresent creator, as inseparable dependent on him as the wave is dependent on the ocean. Paramahansa Yogananda explains why and how man was created by God, and how he is immutably a part of God, and what this means to each one personally. Realisation of the oneness of man and his creator is the whole essence of yoga. An understanding of man's inescapable need for God, in every aspect of living, removes the other worldliness from religion and makes knowing God the basis of a scientific and practical approach to life. Topics include: healing by God’s unlimited power the University of yoga God as light & joy even-mindedness in a world of change reincarnation: the soulless journey to perfection.About the Author
Paramahansa Yogananda was an Indian guru and yogi, who introduced millions of people in the west to meditation and Kriya Yoga. Growing up, he tried to devote his life to god as he often went into the Himalayas to meditate. In the last few years of his life, he spent most of his life as a recluse. In the last week before he died, he hinted that it was his time to leave. He died in 1952.

- Publisher : Jaico Publishing House
- By : Swami Sukhabodhananda
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2011
- Pages : 380
- Weight : 450 gm
- Size : 5.5 x 0.6 x 8.5 inches
- ISBN-10: 8184952066
- ISBN-13: 978-8184952063
Adi Shankaracharya composed a number of Vedantic works for imparting the knowledge of the Self. One of these hymns is the famous Bhaja Govindam. Bhaja literally means seek, Govindam means the Lord the Truth. The learned masters, out of deep compassion try to wake up humanity. They invite us to open our eyes to a higher dimension of living. The whole text of Bhaja Govindam in essence means Wake up, seek the Lord, and stop seeking the primitive and superficial things in life. The compilation of thoughts presented in this book is applicable to one and all. Swami Sukhabodhananda in his unique style explains the verses with deep clarity and understanding.Editorial Reviews
Bhaja Govindam(Praise/Seek Govinda) also known as Moha Mudgara (Hammer to shatter illusion) is a popular 8th century Hindu devotional composition in Sanskrit attributed to Adi Shankaracharya. This work of Adi Shankara underscores the view that devotion (Bhakti) to God, Govinda, is a vastly important part of general spirituality, as emphasised by Bhakti Yoga and the Bhakti movement.This work is generally considered a summary of Adi Shankara's Advaita Vedanta philosophy. This timeless composition is a reminder that the author, Adi Shankaracharya, who is often regarded as a stalwart advocate of the Jnana Marga (Jnana Yoga) or the "Path of Knowledge" to attain Mukti, yielded to none in appreciating, indeed enjoining the Bhakti Marga (Bhakti Yoga) or the "Path of Faith/Devotion" to the same goal,and as C. Rajagopalachari put in his commentary, "When intelligence matures and lodges securely in the heart, it becomes wisdom. When that wisdom is integrated with life and issues out in action, it becomes devotion. Knowledge which has become mature is spoken of as devotion. If it does not get transformed into devotion, such knowledge is useless tinsel." In this prayer, Adi Shankaracharya emphasizes the importance of devotion for God as a means to spiritual development and to liberation from the cycle of birth and death. The prayer leaves one in no doubt that the renunciation of our egotistical differences and surrender to God makes for salvation. Many scholars hold that this composition encapsulates with both brevity and simplicity the substance of all Vedantic thought found in whatever other works that Adi Shankaracharya wrote: The refrain "Bhaja Govindam" which defines the composition and gives it its name invokes the almighty in the aspect of Vishnu; it is therefore very popular not only with Sri Adi Shankaracharya's immediate followers, the Smarthas, but also with Vaishnavas and others. --Wikipedia
About the Author
Swami Sukhabodhananda blends spiritual and management techniques to help you achieve success.He is the founder chairman of Prasanna Trust and also the founder of the research wing of Prasanna Foundation which focuses on the scientific aspects of meditation. His other books Shiva Sutras,personal Excellence Through Bhagavadgita,Wordless Wisdom and Celebrating Success And Failure are listed with

- Publisher : Giri Trading Agency Private
- By : T.S. Srinivasan
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2012
- Pages : 160
- Weight : 360 gm
- Size : 9.4 x 7.1 x 0.5 inches
- ISBN-10: 8179503208
- ISBN-13: 978-8179503201
About The Book“Hindusim for All” has been the book of research for simple answers to complicated and curious questions. This book gives basic insight to the “Sanaatana Dharma” – which literally means ‘Eternal universal Truth’ and it is our endeavour to arouse further curiosity amongst our readers to delve into each subject separately and understand
the principles of Hinduism for the betterment of existence of Life in this universe.
Publisher,s Note
“Hinduim” is not a Religion, ‘It is a Way of Life,’ is a time tested statement by Philosophers, Spiritual Gurus and Leaders in all walks of Life.
Scores of books and literature have been written by many well read authors with in depth knowledge in The Vedas, Upanishads, Puraanas and Epics.
However, the need for a beginner’s text book has been felt time and again. As parents when we are not able to answer the curious questions of our little child, we look for a simple guide and find enormous information but not a specific answer.
“Hinduism for All” has been the product of research for simple answers to complicated and curious questions. This book gives basic insight to the “Sanaatana Dharma” –which literally means ‘Eternal Universal Truth’ and it is our endeavour to arouse further curiosity amongst our readers to delve into each subject separately and
understand the principles of Hinduism for the betterment of existence of life in this Universe

- Publisher : Sterling Publications
- By : Shree Swami Samarth
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2008
- Pages : 258
- Weight : 390 gm
- Size : 5.4 x 0.7 x 8.5 inches
- ISBN-10: 8120733487
- ISBN-13: 978-8120733480
Containing the biographies of lord dattatreya, (lord bramha, vishnu and mahesh) and his subsequent incarnations sripada sri vallabha and sri narasimha saraswati, this owkr clarifies several doubts on religious dogmas, rituals and doctrines through a conversation between the master and his disciple
- Publisher : Tulsi Books
- By : Govinda Das
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2015
- Pages : 52
- Weight : 150 gm
- Size : 7.9 x 5.5 x 1.6 inches
- ISBN-10: 938128329X
- ISBN-13: 978-9381283295
Language: EnglishPages: 156About the AuthorGovinda das, an avid exponent of Mahabharata and Ramayana, has an experience of over 25 years in Vedic education & counselling and travels extensively all over the world sharing his reflective knowledge and wisdom. Whether counselling children, guiding families or mentoring corporate and social leaders, his profound insights are always practical, comprehensible and relevant to all cross sections.His intellectually stimulating and analytical writing blended with the softness of his devotion strikes an appealing balance, urging his readers to be awake, alert and to make informed choices based on logically driven lessons from the scriptures.He possesses an incessant zeal to build a bridge between the ideal and real world with a life centered around dharmik wisdom. His writing stems from the need to make ancient epics relevant to modern times, such that life becomes satisfying and fulfilling driven by values and ethic

- Publisher : Westland
- By : Devdutt Pattanaik
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2011
- Pages : 234
- Weight : 200 gm.
- Size : 5.1 x 0.6 x 7.8 inches
- ISBN-10 : 9386224046
- ISBN-13 : 978-9386224040
Shiva, 'the destroyer' among the Hindu trinity (of gods), is depicted in many contradictory manners. He is an ascetic who wears animal skin, his body smeared with ashes. Contradictory to his wild nature, he is also depicted as having a family, with a beautiful wife and two children. There are many more such varied representations of Shiva, the most prominent of these being the Linga and the Nataraja. The author, Devdutt Pattanaik, introduces the readers to these varied aspects and representations, and then sets about interpreting them. He explains the different anomalies and conflicts in beliefs, as well as the symbolism, rituals and reasons behind Hindu worship.

- Publisher : Yoga Publication Trust
- by : Swami Satyananda Saraswati, Swami Sivananda Saraswati
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2014
- Pages : 189
- Weight : 300 gm.
- Size: 8.4 x 5.4 x 0.5 inches
- ISBN-10: 938162044X
- ISBN-13: 978-9381620441
Conversations on the Science of Yoga is an encyclopedic series presenting the vast,timeless culture of yoga,topic by topic through the voice of three generations of masters-Swami Sivananda Saraswati,Swami Satyananda Saraswati and Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati.The teachings are given in Q&A format with the inclusion of verses from the scriptures,connecting the modern experience with the classical tradition.

- Publisher : Yoga Publication Trust
- by : Swami Satyananda Saraswati, Swami Sivananda Saraswati
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2014
- Pages : 89
- Weight : 180 gm.
- Size: 8.5 x 5.3 x 0.4 inches
- ISBN-10: 9381620768
- ISBN-13: 978-9381620762
Conversations on the Science of Yoga is an encyclopaedic series presenting the vast, timeless culture of yoga topic by topic through the voice of three generations of masters - Swami Sivananda Saraswati, Swami Satyananda Saraswati and Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati. The teachinge are given in questions and answer format with the inclusion of verses from the scriptures, connecting the modern experience with the classical tradition.

- Publisher : Yoga Publication Trust
- by : Swami Satyananda Saraswati, Swami Sivananda Saraswati
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2014
- Pages : 120
- Weight : 330 gm.
- Size: 8.4 x 5.4 x 0.5 inches
- ISBN-10: 9381620466
- ISBN-13: 978-9381620465
Conversations on the Science of Yoga is an encyclopaedic series presenting the vast, timeless culture of yoga topic by topic through the voice of three generations of masters - Swami Sivananda Saraswati, Swami Satyananda Saraswati and Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati. The teachinge are given in questions and answer format with the inclusion of verses from the scriptures, connecting the modern experience with the classical tradition.

- Publisher : Yoga Publication Trust
- by : Swami Satyananda Saraswati, Swami Sivananda Saraswati
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2014
- Pages : 192
- Weight : 300 gm.
- Size: 8.3 x 5.4 x 0.5 inches
- ISBN-10: 9381620458
- ISBN-13: 978-9381620458
Conversations on the Science of Yoga is an encyclopaedic series presenting the vast, timeless culture of yoga topic by topic through the voice of three generations of masters - Swami Sivananda Saraswati, Swami Satyananda Saraswati and Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati. The teachinge are given in questions and answer format with the inclusion of verses from the scriptures, connecting the modern experience with the classical tradition.

- Publisher : Yoga Publication Trust
- by : Swami Satyananda Saraswati, Swami Sivananda Saraswati
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2013
- Pages : 212
- Weight : 330 gm.
- Size: 8.4 x 5.4 x 0.5 inches
- ISBN-10: 9381620334
- ISBN-13: 978-9381620335
Conversations on the Science of Yoga is an encyclopaedic series presenting the vast, timeless culture of yoga topic by topic through the voice of three generations of masters - Swami Sivananda Saraswati, Swami Satyananda Saraswati and Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati. The teachinge are given in questions and answer format with the inclusion of verses from the scriptures, connecting the modern experience with the classical tradition.

- Publisher : Yoga Publication Trust
- by : Swami Satyananda Saraswati, Swami Sivananda Saraswati
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2014
- Pages : 202
- Weight : 360 gm.
- Size: 8.4 x 5.5 x 0.6 inches
- ISBN-10: 9381620326
- ISBN-13: 978-9381620328
Conversations on the Science of Yoga is an encyclopaedic series presenting the vast, timeless culture of yoga topic by topic through the voice of three generations of masters - Swami Sivananda Saraswati, Swami Satyananda Saraswati and Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati. The teachinge are given in questions and answer format with the inclusion of verses from the scriptures, connecting the modern experience with the classical tradition.

- Publisher : Yoga Publication Trust
- by : Swami Satyananda Saraswati, Swami Sivananda Saraswati
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2014
- Pages : 174
- Weight : 270 gm.
- Size: 10.6 x 0.5 x 5.7 inches
- ISBN-10: 9381620318
- ISBN-13: 978-9381620311
Conversations on the Science of Yoga is an encyclopaedic series presenting the vast, timeless culture of yoga topic by topic through the voice of three generations of masters - Swami Sivananda Saraswati, Swami Satyananda Saraswati and Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati. The teachinge are given in questions and answer format with the inclusion of verses from the scriptures, connecting the modern experience with the classical tradition.

- Publisher : Yoga Publication Trust
- by : Swami Satyananda Saraswati, Swami Satyasangananda Saraswati
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2006
- Pages : 312
- Weight : 450 gm.
- Size: 5.6 x 0.8 x 8.4 inches
- ISBN-10: 8185787433
- ISBN-13: 978-8185787435
How is it possible to live the life of a householder and yet maintain a balance between external and internal growth? In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna tells Arjuna, there is no harm in action, the danger lies in attachment and dependence on the fruits of the actions performed. If you can understand this concept and implement it in your daily life, then you will gradually experience a higher quality of experience. This is essentially the concept of karma sannyasa; live life fully, participate in all events externally, but internally maintain an attitude of non-doership. Explaining how closely our lives are governed by attachment, desire and ambition, Karma Sannyasa describes methods to transform these patterns and realise a happier outlook through the blossoming of spiritual awareness. The book focuses on family life and relationships, wealth, karma, self-respect and lifestyle, describing the process of realizing spirituality through everyday life experiences.

- Publisher : Yoga Publication Trust
- by : Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2010
- Pages : 82
- Weight : 150 gm.
- Size: 8.5 x 5.4 x 0.3 inches
- ISBN-10: 8186336850
- ISBN-13: 978-8186336854
"Karma is manifestation of human nature.It is something which is expressed spontaneously,naturally and unconditionally,because this entire creation is nothing but manifestation of karma.The entire creation,the entire universe,the entire life is a manifeatation of karma,and the seed of karma in creation was placed by the cosmic will" The Yogadrishti (Yogavision) series of satsangs consists of discourses given by Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati in Munger as part of the new phase of sannyasa life that he has embarked upon since 2009. karma and Karmayoga was the theme of the satsangs given in february 2010.The illuminating and in-depth discourses provide a fresh perspective on this timeless subject and also a clear map for the course of our life.The satsangs are one of the finest examples of Swami Niranjanananda's inimitable style:light yet deep,refreshing yet classical,profound yet practical.

- Publisher : Yoga Publication Trust
- by : Swami Satysangananda Saraswati
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : Hindi
- Edition : 2012
- Pages : 298
- Weight : 450 gm.
- Size: 8.4 x 5.5 x 0.6 inches
- ISBN-10: 8185787794
- ISBN-13: 978-8185787794

- Publisher : Yoga Publication Trust
- by : Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : Hindi
- Edition : 2014
- Pages : 85
- Weight : 180 gm.
- Size: 8.4 x 5.5 x 0.4 inches
- ISBN-10: 9381620601
- ISBN-13: 978-9381620601

- Publisher : Yoga Publication Trust
- by : Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati
- Cover : Paperback
- Language : English
- Edition : 2012
- Pages : 80
- Weight : 180 gm.
- Size: 8.4 x 5.5 x 0.4 inches
- ISBN-10: 938162013X
- ISBN-13: 978-9381620137
"The method of understanding the process of jnana yoga has to be understood properly.Is jnana only questioning?No.It is enlarging the scope of perception.It is not enquiry.It is like working with an adjustable torchlight.You can twist it's head to bring the light to a narrow point or enlarge its perimeter. Providing a new perspective on the classical components of jnana yoga,Swamiji renders this complicated subject accessible.He outlines the step-by-step training necessary to attain the aims of jnana yoga and describes how the profound statements of the Vedas,the mahavakyas,unfold naturally in the process.The discourses shine with spiritual inspiration and practical guidance in the method of applying intelligence and developing true wisdom in life.
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